The Coven of Salinmoor Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Coven of Salinmoor

The Coven of Salinmoor, also known as the Moor Witches or the Twisted Sisters, is a coven of three hags that often serve as representation for the feyfolk of the greater Salinmoor basin. Whether the three hags are actual sisters is a matter of debate since they vary substantially in appearance.   Scylla, the tallest of the three, is hunchbacked and hump-shouldered. Her hands are large and wide, with long black fingernails that match her scraggly raven tresses, and her parchment-like skin is a sickly shade of grey. Depite being the most physically intimidating of the three, she is often the most reasonable when in a magnanimous mood. When angered, however, she can easily tear a grown man apart with her bare hands. Scylla's robes are long and tattered, more like strips of cloth bound together than an actual garment. A sharp-eyed observer will recognize the cloth for what it really is; a supple leather made from the flayed skin of her victims. Scylla derives the most satisfaction from bringing terror into people's lives, be it from physical or psychological machinations.   Where Scylla is bulky, Charyba is her opposite in girth. Charybda's pale green limbs are long and spindly; her fingers are so long that they appear to have extra joints in them. Her long, white hair drapes her like a cloak and drags on the ground behind her as she walks. Charybda revels in the in the failings and tragedies of other creatures. She derives joy from bringing people low and seeing hope turn into despair, not just for individuals but also for whole nations. Of the three sisters, Scylla is widely considered to be the most clever and the most prone to doublespeak.   Messina is the smallest of the three sisters, and prides herself on being the most beautiful. Beauty, in this case is a relative term compared to her sisters, but woe to whomever implies she is anything but a radiant goddess. Messina has the human-sized proportions of someone recovering from a wasting ailment. Her mottled light blue skin is slimey to the touch and her fingers end in long green claws tipped in poison. Messina's "glorious tresses" more closely resemble a patch of kelp that dangles all around her face and halfway down her back. Messina's eyes are her most disturbing aspect, resembling the glassy, lifeless gaze of a doll. Above all else, Messina hates beauty, or anything that might be considered more beautiful than her. She loves nothing more than to douse the hope of youth and make haggard widows out of young brides. Messina is the most vengeful of the three sisters, and will carry a slight with her forever until she has enacted a fitting retribution.   Each of the sisters has a functional right eye but an empty cavern where the left should be. They posses one left eye among the three of them, and pass it back and forth as needed. It is said that this "third eye" possesses powerful divination abilities that only the sisters can make use of. The sisters use this information to gather secret knowledge, which they then offer in exchange for services or favors. Their goals are inscrutable, but misery and chaos generally follow in the wake of any bargain made with the sisters, to their ultimate glee.
Religious, Coven
Alternative Names
the Moor Witches, the Twisted Sisters


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