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The Foxcloaks

An elite detachment of the Dreadwalker Rangers, the Foxcloaks presently operate mostly out of Wynn as they work to ferry stranded travelers south to the Salinmoor.



  • “Motörhead” Kilmister: Male human ranger. As the son of a frontier family on the borders of the Dreadwood, Kilmister spent all of his formative years learning the secrets and dangers of the dark forest. His knowledge of it is surpassed only by the wood elf tribes living deep at its heart. As a horizon walker and leader of the Foxcloaks, Kilmister is well suited and positioned to protect the Dreadwood and surrounding environs from extraplanar threats.
  • Ergot and Cantle: Brother and sister centaur siblings as well as kin to Fetlock of the Children of Cernunnos. Both are former guards of the Summer Court and known to be deadly with their warspears.
  • Hull: Male elven druid. Hull is a high elf noble of the Ygdrassil Kin and a druid of the Circle of Dreams. Hull has a tendency to chew seeds and spit out the outer coverings, which earned him his nickname.
  • Talyn: Male elven sorcerer. Talyn is a high elf noble of the Alathfar Kin and a sorcerer whose family lineage has ties to the gold dragon protectors of the Dreadwood. As a result, his skin has a faint golden sheen and his violet eyes are reptilian in appearance.
  • Cutter: Male elven rogue. A reformed cutpurse from Oakenheart, Cutter is a mixed-blood elf whose mother hailed from the wood elf Grugatch Kin and whose father was a minor high elf functionary. Cutter's nickname is an allusion to his quick hands and previous line of work.
  • Grizzly: Male human barbarian. Grizzly appears human but has a smattering of werebear blood somewhere in his lineage. He is named for his broad frame, scars, and hairiness, including a bushy brown beard. He is a close friend of Boots.
  • Mad Jack: Male human tracker and blood hunter of the Order of the Profane Soul whose patron is Lady Voya, the eladrin duchess of seasons. Mad Jack is as mercurial as his Lady, a noted risk-taker, and can be somewhat careless with his own life. That said, he is fiercely dedicated to his fellow Foxcloaks and to the protection of the Dreadwood.
  • Sevens: Male human archer. Sevens is rumored to have once hit seven bullseyes in a row. He is tall and very skinny with several harrowing-looking scars from near-death experiences. "Lucky Sevens" is also an avid gambler but his luck in surviving has never extended to cards.
  • Adams: Female human archer. Sometimes called "Madame Adams" or just "Madams", Adams is a fiery-tempered redhead who keeps one side of her head shaved because she believes it makes for a cleaner draw on her bow.
  • Race-the-Wind: Female tabaxi monk. Noted for her stealth and incredible bursts of speed, Race-the-Wind is a black-furred tabaxi who traveled from a land across the sea to join the Foxcloaks. As an adherent of the Way of the Sun Soul, she believes it is her duty to bring light to such a dark and dismal place. She sees the Shadowfell rifts as abominations that must be sealed.
  • Boots: Real name Crotalus Atrox. Male dwarven tracker and blood hunter of the Order of the Lycan. Also a member of the Urraidhean Dorrachas. Deceased.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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