The Moor King Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Moor King

Caimon DuMarais (a.k.a. The Moor King)

The self-proclaimed "King of the Moor" is a very old and powerful werecrocodile who lords over vast marshy tracks of the lightly populated northern Salinmoor. DuMarias, who goes almost exclusively by the moniker "the Moor King" among the locals, is a highly territorial and highly intelligent apex predator. He is extraordinarily patient and nearly always prefers ambush to impromptu battle.   While the local folk of rural Salinmoor recognize the fealty owed to the Baron of Seaton, the major settlements of Burle, Saltmarsh, and Seaton seem very far away with a colossal crocodile stalking the swamps, fens, and moors nearby. The moorfolk therefore pay their own fealty to the Moor King in an effort to keep his wicked brethren at bay. A tithe of flesh and gold is expected from settlement, to be collected by the Moor Kings underlings. It is said that no one alive can identify the Moor King by sight, let along by name, but the moorfolk believe him to be the father of all crocodiles and of a massive size commiserate with that myth.   The Moor King is a fair tyrant in his own way, rarely taking more than he needs and demanding little more beyond the tithe than respect and fear in equal measure. Examples are made occasionally and the Moor King responds with extreme violence to any perceived trespass into his demesne. He responds with equal violence to any challenge to his absolute dominance. He is served by a number of subservient werecrocodiles and is worshiped as a god by several local bullywug, lizardfolk, and vegepygmy tribes.   In his human form, DuMarais appears as a tall, heavily muscled goliath with scarred, leathery mahogany skin and pale watery blue eyes that gleam with cunning. When angered or at DuMarais' discretion his eyes can become reptilian in appearance with yellow, slit pupils and black sclera. In his werecrocodile form, the Moor King is a hulking 12 foot tall green-black scaled monstrosity resembling a bipedal crocodile with a powerful tail extending a further 8 feet. Despite his lethargic attitude and large frame, the Moor King is frighteningly fast and best not underestimated.   DuMarias' demeanor is very relaxed and he exudes the easy confidence of an apex predator who never feels threatened. This impression is further accentuated by his slow southern drawl and easy vulpine grin.

Physical Description

Body Features

Tall, heavily muscled.

Facial Features

Sharp features, slight overbite.

Identifying Characteristics

Exudes a vague sulfurous odor, like the fumes of decay from a swamp.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Calm, patient, and supremely confident.
Current Location
Alpha male
Pale, watery blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Leathery, sun-darkened mahogany
7' 9" (human form)
348 lbs. (human form)
Known Languages
Amedi, Baklunish, Common, Draconic, Elvish, Flan, Gnomish, Olman, Pashtugali, Suloise, Sylvan, and Vegepygmy.
Ruled Locations
Speech Pattern

Southern drawl


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