Thrasymicus the Dawnbringer Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Thrasymicus the Dawnbringer

Thrasymicus (a.k.a. the Dawnbringer, Sword of the Protector)

Many are the servants of Corellon Larethian the Protector, foremost of the Seldarine and patriarch of the elven pantheon. Few of these servants, however, are as storied and shrouded in awe as the archangel known as Thrasymicus the Dawnbringer. A solar who serves as an adjunct and the divine Sword of the Protector, Thrasymicus is absolute in his authority and terrifying in his wrath. He commands the celestial and mortal forces of an aggressive clandestine campaign against demonic and infernal incursions into the Feywild or the Material Plane.   For those chosen few mortal lieutenants who prove themselves worthy, the Dawnbringer grants the blessing of a divine soul that the fallen may serve beyond the constraints of the mortal coil. This divine pact, called the Agar’ratha Var in ancient high elven, is enacted once the champion's mortal life has come to an end. The body burns to ash and is scattered into motes of light by a divine wind. Simultaneously, a new deva awakens to life and service in the realm of @Arvandor, home of the Seldarine, bearing the soul of the fallen champion.   The Agar’ratha Var is different for all those who are called to the promise of a higher service. For some it is a dream or waking vision, while for others it is an unmistakable portentious sign, and for still others it is a moment of stillness and crystaline clarity. Regardless of the form the Agar’ratha Var takes, the recipient of this offer is free to choose: heed the call to service in the afterlife or diverge onto a different path. Those who have chosen to heed the call are marked as servants of Arvandor and are instantly recognizable as such to both celestials fiends alike. It is both a badge of honor and a dangerous burden, but those who bear the mark consider it to be the highest ideal which they can aspire. It is long and difficult path, one worth walking...for those strong of enough of heart and mind to endure.
Divine Classification
Archangel, Solar
Pupiless, glowing white.
The black of receding night.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The rose-gold of a coming dawn.


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