Xiangliào Material in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Found only in the Seguleh Atoll far to the east, Xiangliào is an extraordinatrily rare spice distilled and then dried through an unknown process from the pulp of the caobenxiang herb. Only the Seguleh people themselves are privy to this process, which has never been shared.   The Seguleh people themselves use this as a simple spice given its ample supply on the island, and those who have tried it describe the falvor as rich and savory, as fulfilling to the soul as it is to one's taste buds. Outside the Seguleh Atoll, however, Xiangliào is a highly prized and highly coveted commodity for its strongly medicinal properties and unique magical sensitivity. When applied to poultices or fed to sick or injured patients, Xiangliào has been observed to halve the recovery time by dramatically acelerating the body's ability to heal itself. In effect, each Hit Dice used in recovery is doubled. When mixed with healing potions, the efficacy of the potion is doubled.   A concentration of Xiangliào in one's system can even help combat or prevent the contraction of magical diseases and blood-borne curses. Given the rarity of Xiangliào outside the Seguleh Atoll, however, such concentrations would be extremely unlikely to find in anyone who was themselves not of the Seguleh people. For this reason, Seguleh warriors recently from Seguleh Atoll who are visting the mainland will often be unnatually hale and strongly resistant against the contraction of diseases and curses such as cackle fever, sewer plague, and lycanthropy.   Being the deeply spiritual people they are, the Seguleh also believe that the herb protects from maladies and corruptions of the soul, or Qi. They claim that it helps to reinforce their awareness of self, and ultimately their connection to the Qi'ren. Due to its rarity beyond the Seguleh homeland, the efficacy of the herb in this regard has never been tested beyond the claims of the Seguleh.
Faintly musty
Rich and savory
Off-white to brown
Common State
Coarse-ground, dried sediment


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