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The Prelacy of Almor is an independent realm in the Flanaess.  


Almor is a land of gently rolling fields, broad meadows and fertile river valleys. It is considered to be a beautiful country with well-tended hedgerows and a pleasant patchwork of settlements. The folk of Almor were always considered friendly, their good will and trust were virtues of Good espoused wide and far.   The various petty nobles and the Lord Mayor of the town of lnnspa swear allegiance to the reigning prelate - usually a high priest. The state is only loosely organized, but it has a strong spirit of freedom and justice based upon religious precepts. The peoples are mainly farmers and herdsmen and fisherfolk. In the far north there are some foresters. Militia contingents bear crossbow, spear or polearm (fauchard or glaive most commonly), or longbow or battleaxe (northern contingent). Standing forces number around 5,000 total horse and foot, plus the nobility and gentry. The Prelacy is strongly supported by Nyrond as a buffer between that realm and the Great Kingdom, and pays a stipend to help support the standing army of Almor.  


Almor is an ancient nation, originally the lands were claimed by the Lathu Flan tribe. Their greatest legacy are the many scattered and intricately stone carved ruins found throughout Almor. Many of the Flan remaining in Almor can trace their ancestors to the original Lathu, and a few have managed to maintain some of their cultural traditions including their unique style of stone carving and the long-distance whistled language of Silberi still used by Flan rangers of the area. The Lathu resisted both the Suel and the Oeridians for years, but were ultimately vanquished by the Nehron Oeridian Kingdom sometime around -300CY.   The Nehron Oeridian Kingdom lasted for many years, until it was vanquished by the Aerdy Oeridian Kingdom in -110 CY after a great battle which became known as the Battle of a Fortnight’s Length. The Nehron Oeridian Kingdom was split in half, with the western portion being granted to Aerdy house Rax, which assimilated the Nehron ruling class (later taking the name Rax-Nyrond), and the eastern portion being granted to Aerdy house Cranden.   The Cranden’s named their land after the head of their house, Grand Prince Almor. From its beginning, Almor had a strong theological presence, but it wasn’t until after years of passive management by the Cranden’s that they truly lost sovereign rights, and rulership was passed to an enclave of churches. This politically encumbered and bureaucratically bound ecumenical council had many forms, and at its end was composed primarily of priests of Pholtus, Pelor, Heironeous, with lesser seats held by priests of Zilchus, Rao, Beory, Delleb, Celestian, and Zodal.   Eventually Nyrond split from the Great Kingdom, and later Almor also managed to wrest independence in 477CY, during the Turmoil Between Crowns, but only to find itself as a buffer nation between two great powers.


The great Harp River defines the eastern boundary of Almor. It includes the peninsula south of the Harp River and north of the Thelwood. The western boundary with Nyrond runs along the Sword Road.   The northern region around the Flessern River has long been well known for its wines, with wineries spread all over the region. Farms can be found throughout the entire region, although the area in the northwest is very hilly, a veritable maze of hollows.   One very noticeable feature of Almor is the distinct stonework of the ancient Lathu Ur-Flan of the area. Old ruins can be readily found, with stylized faces and other large carvings cropping out of hillsides here and there. Some of the more unique stonework is well regarded for its artistic style, even by Dwarves, and has periodically found its way out of the region to appreciative aficionados.  



  • Chathold
  • Innspa
  • Narsel Mendred

Towns and Villages

  • Downslope
  • Druid's Well
  • Elversford
  • Goldbolt
  • Harskern
  • Nanonshaven
  • Proud Hill
  • Silverwat
  • Tirian
  • Tomkin
  • Woodford
  • Yellowretch (Gnomes)

Notable locations


Demography and Population

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
[Modified Aerdy] Orb (pp), Crown (gp), Scepter (ep), Penny (sp), Common (cp)


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