Flanaess Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Flanaess is the eastern part of the continent of Oerik, one of the four continents of Oerth. As well as being home to a number of demihuman and humanoid races, it is also inhabited by the Suel, Bakluni, Oerid, and Flan cultures of humanity.  


The Flanaess can be broken down geographically as follows: the Baklunish Basin in the northwest, the Lands of Iuz in the north, the Thillonrian Peninsula in the northeast, the Sea of Dust in the far west, the Sheldomar Valley in the west, old Ferrond and its southern frontier at the center of the Flanaess, old Sulm and the Aerdy frontier to the east, the Great Kingdom to the far east, and the Amedio Jungle to the southwest.  


Except in the far north, temperatures reach below zero only in the winter months of Sunsebb and Fireseek and sometimes at night in late autumn and early spring. Even then temperatures seldom dip far below 0. The northeast and central regions of the Flanaess are the coldest, with winters extending into Ready'reat and Readying. The warm currents of the Dramidj Ocean moderate the climate of the lands that border it. Summer typically lasts five or more months. Prevailing winds blow from the northeast in winter and autumn and from the southeast the rest of the year. Wintry northern winds are sometimes known as "Telchur's breath," while easterly winds are sometimes called "Atroa's laugh." Plentiful rainfall supports bountiful agriculture throughout most of the Flanaess.


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