Castle Hagthar Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Castle Hagthar

Castle Hagthar is a rather decrepit keep which marks the southern boundary of the Archclericly of Veluna . It commands the heights of a massive rock escarpment overlooking the Veluna High Road where it crosses the border. Although it was obviously a once proud citadel, it has fallen into disrepair since the wars with Keoland. Taken by Keoish invaders in 350 CY, it was bypassed by the Veluna/Furyondian armies during the Small War, and was not reconquered until 356 CY, after a two-month siege.   Due to its relative unimportance compared to Veluna’s other frontiers, reconstruction did not resume until the 400’s. The work was completed in 427 CY, and although the new fortifications were formidable, they were far less daunting than the earlier defenses. This proved to be quite unfortunate, for in 507 CY, fleeing Hobgoblin tribes driven from the Lortmil Mountains during the Hateful Wars sacked the castle. They held Hagthar for nine months while Veluna’s calls for dwarven assistance went unanswered. This event caused much resentment among Veluna’s southern nobles and continues to plague relations between them and the Lortmil dwarves to this day.   The castle was rebuilt again with money borrowed from Viscount Wilfrick, but little true effort was put into the undertaking. The current castle is only a shadow of its former self, and its current lord, Farkaesh the Grim, is about as poor a soul as his castle. He inherited Hagthar from his father along with sizable lands in the Iron Wood, lands he quickly lost gambling, along with the money borrowed from Lord Wilfrick. Castle Hagthar and the lands in a twelve-mile radius are all that remain of the previous fief, and even this may soon be claimed by the Viscount in payment for Farkaesh’s debts. Farkaesh is now nearing 80 and has lost any interest in life. He spends his remaining days staring dejectedly from his lonely battlements, surrounded by a score of retainers interested only in being named his heir. They dote over their miserable master and one must wonder if it is the place itself which draws such people to it.


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