Furyondy Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Furyondy, properly known as the Kingdom of Furyondy, is a feudal kingdom of the Flanaess, and a successor state of Ferrond.  


Modern Furyondy spans the land between the mighty Velverdyva and Veng Rivers, from the Nyr Dyv in the south to the southern shore of Lake Whyestil in the north. The nation abuts the grand Vesve Forest, but claims only a small part of that expanse. The two great lakes moderate the weather throughout most of the year. Rain is more common in the north, making a depressing land even more miserable. Winter brings a great deal of snow, but is not particularly harsh.   Furyondy both profits and suffers from the disposition of its neighbors. The alliance with friendly onetime satellite nations like Highfolk and Veluna balances the depredation suffered at the hands of Iuz and, until recently, the Horned Society.   The Furyondian Royal Navy, based in Willip, patrols the Nyr Dyv, keeping the coasts (mostly) free of pirates and dangerous monsters. The Willip Arsenal, the largest dockyard in the Flanaess, has grown considerably in the last six years as the nation replaces dozens of lost ships.   The heartlands of Furyondy are governed by the Queen and the Seven Families, each of whom control a single province within the kingdom. These nobles live to the fullest of their grand titles. The courts of dukes, barons, and earls rival that of the monarch themself.  


The realm began nearly five hundred years ago as the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, the proudest jewel in the crown of Aerdy. In those distant days, Ferrond consisted of modern-day Furyondy (Furyon) and Veluna (Voll), Highfolk, the Shield Lands, the Quaglands (Perrenland), and the hilly regions northeast of the massive Vesve Forest, then known as part of the Northern Reaches. The viceroy ruled fairly from Dyvers, where he was attended by scores of noble families culled from the Great Kingdom, as well as ennobled Flan who served Aerdy. Ferrond followed Aerdy’s feudalistic model, resulting in considerable profit for Rauxes though creating extremely difficult lives for the majority of Ferrondians. As the Aerdy empire faltered under incompetent overkings, the nobles of Ferrond withheld their imperial tithes, ruling by their own writ more than by the commands of their distant liege. The death of the aged Viceroy Stinvri in 254 CY signaled a change in Ferrondian politics. No longer would the nobles of Ferrond bow to the “dangerous incompetence” of Rauxes. Instead, they installed Stinvri’s heir as Thrommel I, king of Furyondy. The coronation was the cause of much celebrating in Dyvers, and considerable anguish in Aerdy. Immediately, half-hearted skirmishing in the lands north of the Nyr Dyv exploded into conflict bordering on all-out war. Unrest from the northern barbarians and military incompetence cost Aerdy any chance at checking the Ferrondian movement. Though it took the Court of Essences more than a century to acknowledge it, Furyondy’s independence suffered no serious opposition after 260 CY. Eventually, the excess of Furyondy’s nobles and the pride of growing Furyondian nationalism triggered an expansionist phase that saw the annexation of Bissel in 438 CY. Only the secession of Voll (later Veluna) and the strength of Keoland to the south halted Furyondy’s aggressive growth.   The year 479 CY saw the appearance of Iuz in the north, and in the following years much of the Northern Reaches was lost to the cambion lord. Furyondy’s new preoccupation would not be with internal politics or foreign treaties, but with a demon-spawned tyrant.   The kingdom's lesser nobles hold the monarch in check; their representatives form the basis of a Noble Council convened in the current capital, Chendl. Before the monarch makes important decrees, they must first garner the support of this body, which often holds its own interests above that of the nation as a whole. Below the monarch and the Noble Council is an array of minor nobles known as the Knightly Conclave, a parliamentary group that considers any issue it wishes, then offers its opinions to the monarch.  


Political subdivisions

Royal Lands:
  • Farwain Province
  Duchies:   Counties:   Viscounties:   Baronies:   Free Cities:      



  • Chendl
  • Crockport
  • Free Borough
  • Gorsend
  • Grabford
  • Littleberg
  • Willip

Towns and Villages

  • Attstad
  • Baranford
  • Barduk
  • Batlet
  • Blackwell (ruined)
  • Brancast
  • Broadford
  • Caronis
  • Dianrift
  • Fendrelan
  • Fountainspring
  • Heldarn
  • Herechel
  • Ironstead
  • Keristen
  • Kisail
  • Libernen
  • Moatshield
  • Moblofft (Gnomes)
  • Morsten
  • Pangate (ruined)
  • Pantarn
  • Sendrift
  • Stalmaer
  • Stump
  • Terlisean
  • Tusham
  • Walthain
  • Worlende

Notable locations


Demography and Population

1,481,800 - Human 79% (Osbf), Elf 9% (Wood 60%, High 40%), Halfling 5%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%
Founding Date
254 CY
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Furyondy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
[Furyondy standard] Paladin (pp), Wheatsheaf (gp), Knight (ep), Sheridan (sp), Common (cp)
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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