Flinty Hills Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Flinty Hills

The Flinty Hills is a broad, deep band of hills ostensibly part of or at least allied with Nyrond, but the subject of armed conflict with parts under the control of the Bone March and the Great Kingdom. Those living within the Flinty Hills are mostly divided between Nyrond and a group of autonomous gnomes in the east, who fly the banner of Gnomeking Warren ap’Hiller in a large, loose confederation of underground strongholds. Nearly twenty thousand gnomes inhabit the entire range (those in the west swear fealty to King Archbold), living in peace with perhaps four thousand human tribesmen (who swear fealty to no one) and smaller numbers of dwarves and halflings.   The hills are sometimes raided by bands of Bone March nonhumans, and the Great Kingdom claims the southernmost end. Wood elves from the Gamboge are friendly with the gnomes and halflings of the forested hills in the west. Nyrond draws much of its mineral wealth from mines connected by road to Womtham.  

Notable locations

  • Fharlanghn's Cave
  • Mistwatch
  • Ogrebolt Pass
  • Pelleur Keep
  • Stone Canyon Quarry
Mountain Range


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