Mistwatch Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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This dwarven designed and built fortress is near two major silver mines that employ over 800 gnomes. Besides being a refugee for them, Commander Soughdriver uses it as a base for supporting the independent gnomes to the East.   The Mistwatch fortress is technically under the Dukes jurisdiction, but it lies deep in the Flinty Hills on the far side of the province and the best way to communicate is by the Snake Pass, which requires any message to go from Mistwatch to Schukendale to Womtham, where the Duke of Womthan is apt to put in his own orders and requests, before it finally reaches Arndulanth. And the commander of Mistwatch, hill dwarf Flandeld Soughdriver, is a good friend of the Field-General of the Flinty Hills, General Osmeran, and usually acts as his partner, ignoring any orders from the Duke(s) that he deems unwise.


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