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Gran March

The Gran March is a political state of the Flanaess.  


Gran March occupies the fertile plains east of the expansive Dim Forest and west of the Lortmil Mountains, bounded by the northernmost fork of the Sheldomar River in the south. A poorly defined “open” border marks the north, where nobles often kept court in both Bissel and Gran March. These days, there seems to be little difference between the two governments, though the land within 30 miles north of Hookhill is considered part of Gran March proper.   This territory also includes portions of Dim Forest and the Rushmoors, a haunted fen that has plagued the southern march for much of its long history. The northern baronies enjoy a temperate, dry climate not unlike that found in Bissel. The south, however, is a land of dark mists and frequent showers, particularly near the forest and swamp.   Gran March is an exceptionally martial nation. At age fifteen, all fit people enter mandatory conscription through local lotteries, for a period of up to seven years. It is a testament to the martial prowess of the nation’s young people that many continue after their required service, and those who do not are generally members of local militias. Internationally renown mailed cavalry forms the core of Gran March’s impressive army. Armed with lances, crossbows, and swords, these riders are the bane of anyone standing in their way. The Knights of the Watch and Knights of Dispatch offer support and welcome tactical expertise. The total standing army includes more than eighteen thousand soldiers. At least three times as many trained troops can be called up within a single week.  


Gran March is one of Keoland's oldest holdings, tracing its history back more than nine hundred years. Legend holds that, after the defeat of Vecna and the dissolution of his empire (placed in the northern part of the Sheldomar Valley in some accounts), the nascent Keolandish crown created an order of knights in the frontier region. The Knights of the March were ordered to bring law to the land and to quell the warring of the native Flan factions. Eventually, the leader of the knighthood was named commandant of Gran March, a title that carried with it control of the land between the Rushmoors and Lortmils.   Life in Gran March was peaceful and safe, as few dared oppose the powerful commandant. When a perceived threat from within beset the nation, the Knights of the March sprung upon it fiercely and decisively. Sometimes, such reprisals came with little warning, often against seemingly upstanding members of the lesser aristocracy. The knights followed the secret teachings of their own inscrutable doctrine, and they showed no interest in explaining their actions to commoners.   The early 300s CY brought the Baklunish Brazen Horde to Ket, causing much consternation in the courts of the east and south. In order to protect his holdings against this Paynim threat, King Tavish I of Keoland ordered the foundation of the Knights of the Watch, built upon the basis of the Knights of the March and commanded by its leaders. This new, international knighthood quickly spread to Geoff, Bissel, and the heart of the empire, all the while retaining strong roots and key leadership in Gran March. Indeed, the commandant became titular ruler of the massive knighthood, as well as leader of his nation.   With the dawning of Keoland’s wars of aggression, in 350 CY, Gran March gained international notoriety as the primary staging ground for the Second Expeditionary Army, which invaded Veluna from the southwest. After the success of that campaign, the capital of Hookhill became an important caravan stop to points north, which served to increase the wealth of the province.   By 415 CY, life in Gran March had grown extraordinarily difficult, thanks in part to Commandant Berlikyn, a harsh ruler who demanded nothing less than the most of his citizens—the most labor, the most money, the most effort. The king in distant Niole Dra knew nothing of Berlikyn’s tactics, seeing only the impressive results. In appreciation, Tavish III appointed the commandant to be the supreme commander of all the northern provinces, which at the time included Gran March, Bissel, and much of Veluna. A period of bitter oppression reigned in the north until Berlikyn was slain in the Small War.   The death of the commandant of Gran March and the loss of Bissel and the Velunese territories to Furyondy forced a change in Keoland’s policy in the north. Aware that the local nobles would not tolerate a harsh commandant, the king allowed them to elect one of their own number to the position, and forevermore split the title from that of the “Marcher Lord,” titular head of the Knights of the Watch. The government and knighthood remained closely allied.   For much of the modern era, Gran March has existed as a prosperous trade center along Keoland’s northern merchant routes. Perhaps thanks to the influence of the Knights of the Watch, the nobles of Gran March have always enjoyed strong relations with their neighbors in Sterich and Bissel.    


Political subdivision

Royal Lands:
  • Barony of Dracus
  • March of the Dim Forest
  • March of the Rushmoors
  • Barony of Cavintus
  • Barony of Cragmore
  • Barony of Dieren
  • Barony of Farvale
  • Barony of Harvon
  • Barony of Malthinius
  • Barony of Manthus
  • Barony of Proman Shire
  • Barony of Shiboleth



  • Fleeth (ruined)
  • Hookhill
  • Shiboleth

Towns and Villages

  • Ander's Falls
  • Athael
  • Birnham
  • Buxton's Crossing
  • Carern
  • Cragmore
  • Driwasser
  • Foredge
  • Ghostgate
  • Gralston
  • Guilder's Folly
  • Hollowdell
  • Holly Hill
  • Leilam's Orchard
  • Lortenford
  • Munninen (Gnomes)
  • Orlane
  • Paletree
  • Proman
  • Red Arbor
  • Rock's Face
  • Stonebridge
  • Tamlin
  • Tankard
  • Tanner's Ferry
  • Topaz Pass
  • Traziada
  • Turamil
  • Wallsend
  • Willow's Bend

Notable locations

  • Forest Watch
  • Fort Endurance
  • Fort Tribulation
  • Hammerfall
  • Ironwall Keep
  • Mount Cragmore
  • Old Border Towers
  • The Shalm Grotto
  • Temple of Hextor (ruined)
  • Theleb's Tower
  • Velstar Keep
  • Wounded Owlbear Inn

Demography and Population

327,000 - Human 79% (SOf), Elf 8% (Wood), Dwarf 5%, Halfling 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%, Other 1%
Geopolitical, Country
Gran Marchiot
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
[Modified Keoland] griffon (pp), lion (gp), eagle (ep), white owl (sp), heron (cp)


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