Omu Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Omu, also known as the Forbidden City, is a ruined and abandoned Olman city-state that lies hidden in the dense jungle of the eastern Amedio. The city is shrouded in mystery and legend, and few dare to venture within its crumbling walls.  


According to local folklore, Omu was once a thriving metropolis, home to a powerful and wealthy civilization. But something dark and sinister lurked within its walls, and the city was eventually abandoned by its inhabitants. Some say that a curse fell upon Omu, dooming it to an eternity of decay and ruin.   Despite its reputation, there are those who still seek to uncover the secrets of Omu. The city is home to the infamous complex known as the Tomb of the Nine Gods, a labyrinthine structure filled with deadly traps. It is said that those who can navigate the tomb's dangers will be rewarded with unimaginable treasure and power. But few have ever returned from the tomb alive, and those who have speak only in hushed tones of the horrors they witnessed within its walls.   Some say that Omu still holds great power, and that those who dare to enter its gates will be tempted by its dark and ancient magic, for Omu is a place of great danger, and those who seek its secrets may never return.  


  In its early days, the city of Omu prospered through mining and commerce. Its riches and power led to greed, as the city demanded offerings from its neighbors in the form of slaves to work the mines. The city's armies marched upon its neighbours and angered Ometeotl, who decided to abandon the Omuans sometime in the mid-400s CY.   The city was forsaken by Ometeotl and the clerics that lived within lost their divine power. The slaves revolted against their oppressors and the city fell to ruin. Signs of the once-great society, its currency and maps showing its location, were purposefully destroyed. The last ruler, Queen Nahualin, fled into exile shortly afterwards. It truly became the Forgotten City.   The city's lack of a patron deity drew the attention of primal spirits from the jungle. They offered power to scattered Omuans that remained, in exchange for their veneration. The Omuans promptly destroyed their temples to Ubtao and worshiped the brutal and discordant spirits, who came known as the nine trickster gods.   The trickster gods' power was limited. Since they could not grant spells to all their clerics, they demanded sacrifices and blood trials to test their resolve and entertain the decadent population. Their reign over Omu lasted for the next 90 years.   Sometime in the early 500s CY, the trickster gods' behavior piqued the curiosity of the lich Acererak. Inspired by their bloody trials, Acererak invaded Omu, killed the trickster gods and forced the Omuans into servitude. The lich forced them to construct his own murderous dungeon underneath the city, one that would contain the malevolent spirits, known as the Tomb of the Nine Gods. Acererak then slaughtered the remaining Omuans and sealed their fates alongside those of their gods.   Nowadays, the only survivors of the royal line of Omu are Princess Malinalxochitl and Prince Na.
Dissolution Date
Mid-400s CY
Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Notable Members


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