Amedio Jungle Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Amedio Jungle

The Amedio Jungle is a large stretch of tropical rainforest located in the southwestern Flanaess, on the continent of Oerik. Lying east of the Hellfurnaces, the Amedio extends over 300 leagues south from its northernmost point at Jeklea Bay. Tribes of Suel and Olman cities are present here, among fierce animals, man-eating monsters, intelligent apes known as Dakon, and haunted ruins. The jungle also holds many carnivorous and poisonous plants, whose medicinal and magical properties are very powerful.   The Amedio Jungle is home to numerous species of tropical flora and fauna, including some brought by migrating Olman from Hepmonaland, such as the bato, miro, and pok. Many dangerous fungi, colonial life, plants, and vermin dwell in the Amedio as well, such as the green and olive slime, yellow mold, obliviax moss, violet fungus, gas spores, phycomids, giant sundew, mantrap, pitcher plants, and Amedian gutworms. Several more fearsome creatures also make their homes there, including spawn of Kyuss near the ancient ruins of Kuluth-Mar.  


Fifteen hundred years ago the Olman peoples came to the Amedio jungle and finding naught but traces of prior civilizations settled the region. They built great cities on holy sites, burning back the surrounding jungle to allow the planting of crops to support their growing numbers. Numerous cities were built, each surrounded by a dense belt of farming villages. Each of these cities was considered a kingdom in its own right, but all owed allegiance to the capital city in the central Amedio. While all initially considered themselves colonies of the Hepmonaland Olman Empire, all declared independence when it could no longer project any dominance over these city-states. They prospered for another several hundred years until a century of devastating war destroyed several cities, which totally rearranged the balance of power amongst the Olman kingdoms.   Dire predictions of further catastrophic events sparked a brief civil war in Tamoachan, which led to the city’s destruction around 425 CY. Within a decade, the jungle had reclaimed Tamoachan.  


The Amedio is guarded by steep mountains on one side and a large inland sea on the other; its weather is more constant and gentler than that of Hepmonaland, which juts from the rest of the Flanaess as if daring storms to approach. The jungle receives a heavy rainfall almost every day during low and high summer. During the other months the rain decreases, falling once or twice a week. Its northern half rarely sees serious storms, although the southern portion are hit by large tropical storms at least every other year; these storms destroy large amounts of vegetation and the animals that live there, but the jungle recovers quickly and after a few years little evidence of these storms remains.   The air is hot and humid and ground fog is typical in the mornings. Fogs sweep in from the sea, often concealing aquatic monsters. The western regions of the jungle are at times threatened by volcanic eruptions from the Hellfurnaces. The ash and poisonous gases from these peaks normally blow west onto the Sea of Dust, but sometimes the drift over the jungle, killing everything in their path. The northern half of Lake Matreyus attracts these clouds, and ash and gases hover there for days at a time after an eruption.  


Olman City-states

  • Chitlanicatl (ruined)
  • Huicanauac
  • Ikal
  • Itlahuitle (ruined)
  • Itztli
  • Mezro (ruined)
  • Oltemoc
  • Omu (ruined)
  • Tamoacan (ruined)
  • Tepin
  • Teyacapan
  • Tlanetecuhtli
  • Tlanexli
  • Toltecatl
  • Xamatlan
  • Xiochel
  • Xipil
  • Xocoma
  • Yalakmul

Trading posts

  • Fort Blackwell
  • Fort Bodal
  • Fort Easthook
  • Fort Greenrock (ruined)
  • Fort Havekhla
  • Fort North Azure
  • Fort South Azure
  • Fort Southhook
  • Fort Westhook
  • Port Elizabeth


Notable locations

Forest, Jungle (Tropical)


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