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The relatively broad and deep-channeled Selintan River flows out from the Midbay of the western Nyr Dyv, and into the Woolly Bay, forming the trade lifeblood of the Free City of Greyhawk. It is navigable to deepdraft vessels, cogs, and galleys for its entire length.   Downriver, from the Free City to Hardby, Greyhawk watchmen with appropriate skills pilot flat-bottomed, puntlike boats along the Selintan at regular intervals.   Parallel to the Selintan runs the River Road, a well-kept, broad highway which is little used for trade, save for short hauls by farmers bringing produce to sale at a village, town, or even the riverside. However, horsemen are not an infrequent sight here, for a fast horse will still beat a river boat when speed is of the essence and there are a number of taverns along the road that have good stabling and accommodations


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