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Free City of Greyhawk

The Free City of Greyhawk, also known as Greyhawk City or simply the Free City and often called the Gem of the Flanaess, is a powerful city-state located in the central Flanaess. The word "Greyhawk" is often used in reference to those lands controlled by the Free City, though the proper term for the entire realm is the Domain of Greyhawk.  


Greyhawk is girdled by 30 feet high curtain City Walls built from blocks of Cairn Hills granite fitted together in a tight pattern and is 18 feet thick at the base (where a splay confounds would be rams). The platform along the top is ten feet wide, with a parapet running along both the inside and outside edges. All those wishing to enter the city must explain their business to the City Watch, who take pains to question all comers. Those hailing from realms hostile to or at war with the Domain of Greyhawk are barred from the city. All granted access to the city must make their mark on a roster that is carefully kept by the Watch.   Seven gates pierce the city’s external walls. All are warded by patrols of the City Watch and most remain open between sunrise and sunset. Four gates – Black, Highway, Garden, and Cargo – are larger than the others, reaching 16 feet in height and a total entrance width of 24 feet. In all other respects mentioned here they resemble their smaller kin.   The gates consist of two doors of iron banded roanwood, 12 feet high, 8 feet wide and 1 foot thick. Cargo and the Highway gate are larger – 16 feet by 12 feet; all are backed by an iron portcullis. Two 40-feet high towers flank each gate, forming heavily fortified gatehouses.   The two gates within the city – Black Gate, leading from the Old to the New City, and Garden Gate, leading from the upper district of the city into the Foreign Quarter and Clerkburg in the more crowded central district – divide the city, in function if not necessarily by intent, into three classes. The Garden Gate remains open except in rare instances of emergency, such as riots or panic. The Black Gate, on the other hand, is closed during the deepest hours of the night.  


The city is divided into eight districts or quarters. The oldest of these are the Thieves’ and Slum Quarters. These lie east and west, respectively, of the southern end of The Processional – the broad avenue that runs the length of the city from the Highway Gate in the south to the Grand Citadel in the north. Together, the Slum and Thieves’ Quarters make up the Old City, which is separated from the New City by the Black Wall.   In Old City, south of the grimy Black Wall, agents of the The Guild are everywhere. In this long-shadowed area of leaning tenements and filthy streets, a man’s life is worth less than his shiny brass belt buckle. The penniless labourers who keep the city running dwell in squalid conditions here amid the wanton criminals and desperate beggars. Opportunity and wealth seem distant notions, zealously guarded privileges kept forever out of reach.   Immediately north of the Black Wall lie the Artisan's and Foreign Quarters (the former on the east side of the Processional, the latter on the west). Clerkburg lies north of the Artisan’s Quarter, faced across the Processional by the infamous River Quarter. These districts (which make up the Middle City) are separated from the High Quarter and Garden Quarter (the Upper City) by the Nobles’ Wall. The Garden Quarter stands atop bluffs overlooking the Selintan, while the High Quarter occupies the slopes of the city.   Three districts of note lie outside the city walls. The Wharf District occupies a narrow strip of land along the Selintan in the Shadow of the city’s western wall. The collection of shanties at the northern end of the wharf is called Shacktown and is considered a separate district. A far more orderly district is emerging at the opposite end of the city, just outside the Highway Gate. In recent times it has come to be called the Wainfields for the large numbers of caravans that halt here before entering the city proper.      


Early History

Greyhawk, named for the small grey hawks which populate the region, was originally a trading outpost on the Selintan specializing in local wood and woven garments, which was known by that name as early as 330 OR (-315 CY). In time, the town developed strong textile and meat-packing industries. From the earliest days, Greyhawk was ruled by a warlord who took the title "Landgraf of the Selintan." This first Landgraf's son was then married to the Gynarch of Hardby's daughter. The nuptials formalized a political alliance that served as the basis for rule over the Lanstadt of Selintan, the area that eventually became known as the Domain of Greyhawk.   In 4 CY, Greyhawk came under the domination of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy and remained so while strong Overkings ruled from the Malachite Throne in Rauxes. The Great Kingdom's influence over the city began to wane during the third and especially the fourth centuries as the House of Rax declined and the Overkings hold on distant provinces became increasingly tenuous.  

Rise to prominence, decline and recovery

In approximately 310 CY, the mage Zagig Yragerne emerged from the Wild Coast and bribed his way into a seat on the Directing Oligarchy. Approximately 320 CY, the Oligarchs elected Zagig Lord Mayor of the city. Greyhawk subsequently rose in fame and prominence under the leadership of Lord Mayor Zagig. He instituted legal reform, developed a new currency, fortified the walls, founded the city's first university, and embarked on a major building program. Most notably, he directed the construction of nearby Castle Greyhawk.   Although Zagig -- later known as Zagyg -- became increasingly erratic over time, his rule is generally considered to be the most effective in the Free City's history and brought widespread prosperity to the region. Much to the annoyance of Dyvers and other rival cities, Zagig proclaimed Greyhawk to be the "Gem of the Flanaess," and did much to ensure this moniker was justified. Unfortunately, the "Mad Archmage" disappeared in 421 CY, leaving no clues regarding his whereabouts, and no heir to inherit the title of Landgraf.   In 498 CY, after decades of Zagig's absence, the Landstadt was therefore abolished, the title of Landgraf permanently retired, and the Free City's Directing Oligarchy assumed political authority. The new Lord Mayor Paerinn officially proclaimed Greyhawk a free city, though it had been effectively independent of the Great Kingdom's rule for over a century.
Owning Organization
Free City of Greyhawk


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