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Treants, known as Orodrim in Elvish, are a wide variety of awakened trees on Oerth. They are nicknamed "Shepherds of the Trees" due to their role in preserving and protecting woodlands.  


Treants are 14-foot tall creatures like humanoid trees with very thick skin resembling tree bark. They resembled the trees that they shepherded. An individual Treant more or less resembled the specific species of tree that they typically guarded or honored, to the point of the personality one might expect from that tree. Thus they varied in height and size, colouring, and in number of fingers and toes. There were trees that were awake or half-awake, and some were entish and Ents could awake or talk with some of them.   Treants are immortal and along with it, they are deliberate and slow in thought, decision and action. Their slow, long-winded language reflects this; of other languages they preferred Sylvan, which they also spoke in an agglutinating, long-winded way like the Treant language.   However, once aroused, they possess great strength, which resembles the age-long action of trees accelerated, crushing rocks and moving earth in seconds. Though susceptible to pain, their thick skin makes them very difficult to harm with metal weapons.


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