Oerth Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Oerth is the name of the planet on which the Flanaess is located.    As far as most scholars know, Oerth has four continents, the largest of which is Oerik, lying mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Southeast of Oerik lies the much-smaller landmass of Hepmonaland, lying in the tropics. Hyboria, also called Telchuria (after Telchur, the god of Winter), lies at the north pole, while an unnamed fourth continent lies in the southern hemisphere. Oerth is thought to have four oceans, including the Solnor Ocean, the Dramidj Ocean that circles Telchuria, the Ocean of Storms south of Oerik, and the Sea of Thunder encompassing Polaria. Oerth also has a number of islands, the largest being the archipelago known as Fireland in the northern Solnor. Polaria is a chain of mountainous islands covered for at least part of the year by the southern polar ice cap.


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