Yatil Mountains Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Yatil Mountains

The Yatil Mountains are a mountain chain located in the western part of the Flanaess. These great mountains are nearly impassable for many leagues west and south of Lake Quag. Numerous orcs, ogres, giants, trolls, and bestial monsters dwell here, even dragons, though less than in the mountains to the south. Hardy nonhumans and human mountaineers fiercely defend their mines and highland territories, as the Yatils are quite rich in ore deposits and gems. The miners (particularly dwarves) are often aided in their work by strange tunneling creatures.   The Yatils have a fair body of “lost magical treasure” stories, most of which are unreliable; some, however, are disturbing for their mention of ancient lairs of evil. A difficult pass links Perrenland and Ket.  

Notable locations

  • Ehlonna's Scar
  • Griffenstrike Peaks
  • Hidden Monastery of Al'Akbar
  • Iggwilv's Horn
  • Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
  • Mount Graz
  • Mount Perren
  • Mount Tsojcanth
  • Obsidian Citadel
  • Temple of Tharizdun
Mountain Range


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