The Cursed Spider Inn
Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside is recently paved with worn brick.
The tavern is a timber framed tower, with a tanned wooden roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains some planter boxes on the walls and a small stage for performers.
The bartender is rubbing a glass with a cloth, though it's not getting cleaner and makes no effort to acknowledge your presence.
It's as somber inside as it is on the outside. Stone beams support the upper floor and the rows of small, molten candles attached to them. The walls are covered in photographs of what were undoubtedly better times for this tavern. They're now more of a painful reminder of what it has turned into.
The tavern itself is almost completely abandoned. The few people inside are silent and they keep to themselves, but whoever they are, you'd like to stay as for away from them as possible.
You did hear rumors about this tavern, supposedly it's infamous for something, but for the life of you you can't remember what for.