BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  • Created by jensò -- took features they observed in existing creatures + combined them with his general body shape-- specifically designed to be interesting (to him)
  • jensò being the deity of contradictions/opposites/opposition to a degree explains why fae's 'true' forms would be too frightening to set eyes on whilst being the most beautiful creatures in the world
  • fae eggs form from condensed drops of magic that periodically fall in isolated pools of water
  • the condensed magic sinks to the bottom of these pools and triggers the growth of a flower that develops the egg (egg stays with the flower until just before hatching)
  • characteristics of the fae are random; each egg effected by every minute factor present during development
  • fully developed eggs, just before they hatch, are collected by specific mobile trees that care for the original fae until they are full-grown
  • as time progresses, the trees became less involved, as there are older fae that can care for the younger ones
  • trees have a specific "nursery" created out of roots + specific types of moss
  • trees are not immortal, but live for a very long time
  • there is a restricted number of pools + trees in the world => very few fae come into existance at one time
  • magic only condenses this way when massive amounts of magic are released to the environment
  • Many, many fae result from conflict between gods (+ during mortal conflicts fought with magic, though less fae when compared to immortal conflict)
  • pools where they land are effectively ley-line converges(?)
  • fae were also partially meant to regulate the amount of free-floating magic in the world-- it makes things very fucky-- odd weather, inconsistent gravity, etc => not even in a "fun" way for jensò (he'd tired of it by that point)

Cover image: by incorrigible (me)


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