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Whatever the fuck 堕天 is

Not a lot about this species is known, considering the first (and only natural) recorded case of one was 堕天. and he just kind of... appeared somewhere. there are considered to be two variations of this species-- natural and artificial (kind of like osmosians after the retcon). There are some beings that were intended to be engineered to be this species, but the method used was unsuccessful. Such beings are not close enough biologically to be considered this species. The only known 'successful' artificial one is redhead, so information about them is based on him.

Basic Information


Seven mouths: one in the normal spot, one on each palm, one on upper neck, one on lower neck, one on upper chest, and one on mid/low abdomen Tail: prehensile, tiefling-like  Ear shape: elf-like; pointed and long Two sets of eyes
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
skin is always some shade of grey, though when 堕天 blushes, its the same neon pink as his eyes and tongue, while redhead's blush skews purple, and his tongue and eyes are a dull red. 堕天's hair is a light pink, while redhead's is y'know... red. Going back to eyes for a moment, 堕天's sclera are dark grey/black, while redhead's are white-- including the failed experiments, a tell-tale sign that a being is artificial is the lack of dark sclera.
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Cover image: by incorrigible (me)