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I am very familiar with what the Ahmegg are, after all I am one of them. But just in case our species is lost to the sands of time, I took it upon myself to document our race alongside the others. We are shockingly small in comparison to the other races that live in Haert, honestly it is a miracle we have survived as long as we have. We are as famous around here as we are widespread. Each species has their own name for us. The Feng-hait call us Weileng, the Naag dub us the Ketmayin and the Russ call us the Mouse. We have spread our influence across the lands through the might of numbers and our ingenuity. We pushed our neighbours to the small pockets of land that they dwell in to this day and each of our different ethnic groups have their own stories to tell. The Rock Ahmegg are big and shaggy creatures with foreboding tusks. The Snows small and built for the harsh winter. The Field Ahmegg even smaller and the Root Ahmegg agile and wise. I will begin the documentation of my travels with the Ahmegg as a good starting point before I wander off into the great unknown.

Excerpt from the journals of Moonye the Traveller.

Basic Information


The Ahmegg look very simialar to the mice on earth, but are bipedal and far smarter.

They commonly grow up to four inches in height, depending on their ethnicity. Male Ahmegg tend to have a gentle outward curve from the chest to the hips with generally more scruff around the legs and belly. Females will have a slightly narrower waist and wider hips, with more scruff around the chest.

Biological Traits

life span; 60 years. Life expectancy; 50 to 60 years. large ears, round faces, small noses, relatively large eyes, long tails, short legs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pretty much the same as regular mammal reproduction on earth.

Growth Rate & Stages

They have a life span of about 60 years and they reach the adult stage in about 9 years. Newborns are very small and are born in large litters ranging from 4 to 9 individual children. A single newborn can fit in the palm of their parent's hand.

Ecology and Habitats

They have many different habitats depending on their ethnicity. Ranging from the woods to living in houses suspended above a lake.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The ahmegg are entirely Herbivore and can eat things such as grass, grain, pine-cones, several other nuts including acorns, berries, tree bark, oats, root vegetables including ginger and herbs.

Biological Cycle

They do not tend to hibernate, but each time they forage for food they will put thirty percent of their findings into a massive store for winter. They will then ration that out through the winter. But winter does cause a lot of deaths, whether it's by the cold, being snowed in or falling through thin ice.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have small noses with short muzzles and large heads. They have large eyes with generally brown iris's.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Spread around almost every habitat around Haert.

Average Intelligence

The same amount of intelligence as a medieval society.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their large ears allow them to have amazing hearing and they have mild night vision.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names can vary depending on language and dialect, but a common feature happens is all of them. If the name is longer than two syllables, they put a dash between the second and third syllable. e.g; the names Tenrenn and Kahii-shen. Another rule in their naming traditions is that Female names will often end in the suffix "ye" and male names have the suffix "we". These two suffixes do not merge to the other gender.

Major Organizations

They tend to live in towns close together based on their ethnicity. They do not tend to move from one environment because they have to walk long distances.

Beauty Ideals

For both male and females, it is considered attractive to be quite fit and lean, but not typically muscular.

Gender Ideals

Males are typically seen as foragers and builders. While females are often in charge of protecting towns and forging weapons/tools. Both take part in maintaining the household.

Courtship Ideals

Many Ahmegg meet their romantic partners at large dances. The dance usually tells them if they are right for each other depending on how well they perform together.

Relationship Ideals

Pretty much the same as human relationships.

Average Technological Level

The same as a viking civilisation but with better sanitation. Their magic can perform feats such as fend off predators, cure illness, teleport, bend the elements and put people to sleep, as well as many other things.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Each ethnicity does not have a separate language, but each has a different dialect, some so different from each other that they could be considered another language. The Snow Ahmegg speak with a thick accent and say a few words differently. Just like how the Scottish use the word Wee instead of Small and Cannot becomes Canny

Common Etiquette Rules

It is polite to make a clicking noise with your tongue as a greeting. When you are feeding a large family, you are supposed to give the youngest a plate first as they are the most frail and they need the food to grow bigger.

Common Dress Code

The Ahmegg wear very little clothing. It can range from a simple shirt, scarf or shorts.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They have an annual dance and feast as well as a day every 44 days where taverns are open the full day and night.

Common Taboos

Alongside the obvious swear words there are a number of different things that will cause people to gasp in their society. When a stranger offers you a drink, if you refuse it they take it as a refusal to their kindness.

Another taboo behaviour is the act of squeaking. It is often an involuntary noise similar to burping and can trigger when an Ahmegg is angry or excited in some way. As well as this, it's commonly very embarrassing for the squeaker in question. For individuals who aren't familiar with Ahmegg mannerisms tend to find it cute.

Historical Figures

The Great Ancient Giants.

Common Myths and Legends

They treat the ancient beings that died off as spirits who left the world to them. They call them the great ancient giants and paying respects to them apparently keeps the food plentiful. They also have a number of legends and "Fables" who complete daring acts of strength and bravery and thus are remembered throughout the centuries.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They don't have relationships between other species but they often breed between other races within the Ahmegg species.
60 years
Average Height
four inches
Average Weight
six to eight ounces.
Average Physique
Males have a more tube-shaped body, with their hips being only slightly wider than their chest. Females have wider hips and slightly smaller waists.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Body fur can range in colour from; Light grey, dark grey, black, light brown, dark brown, ginger, blonde, strawberry blonde, ivory, cream and white.
Related Ethnicities

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