
The fifth element. The rarest of rarified airs. It is released explosively from Aether Ore as its magical alloys are formed.   When Aether is added to a potion, it gains a characteristic fizz, and it applies an anxious energy to the potion's effects.   The most popular potion brands - Crank, Tug, and Twiddle - use a proprietary slurry of Aether, Phlogiston, and Chuckaboo Honey. In addition to boosting the intensity of the potion overall, the slurry acts as a stimulant, and grants an eternal shelf life. There are rumors of long term health risks.
AI stub Aether Refined by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
Item type
Consumable, Magical
See Wikipedia - Aether (classical element)


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