
Tug's potions are presented for sale in bespoke wooden vending machines, and dispensed with a tug of an oversized lever.


Tug is the traditional alternative to Crank.


The recipe for Tug is a trade secret. Like its competitors, it is primarily a slurry of Aether, Phlogiston, and defructulated Chuckaboo Honey. Tug's proprietary blend is especially high in Chuckaboo Honey.

Product Lines

Several flavors are not directly vended to consumers, but are distributed via defense contracts, having powerful status buffs.
  • Cherry Tug, Not vended
  • Citrus Tug, Not vended
  • Wildberry Tug, Not vended


  • Tug tends to affect statuses rather than providing consumable points (HP+, MP recovery+, etc).
  • The slurry generally boosts the intensity of the potions' effects.
  • The Aether acts as a stimulant, provides bubbles, and grants an eternal shelf life.
  • The Phlogiston acts as a magic performance enhancer. It is responsible for potion glow.
  • The Chuckaboo Honey is an addictive sweetener.
  • There are rumors of long term health risks.


Although Tug's market share is smaller than that of its only competitor, Crank, it holds its own due to its primary private offering - the defense contracts.

The Tug Vision

I imagine glistening glass decanters, tumbling out of bespoke wooden vending machines, bathed in a twinkling spotlight. A magically projected voice breaks the silence, announcing with a voice that seems to bypass your ears and seize your essence: FANCY A TUG? (banjo music signals the lead-in to a product pitch)

A full minute of @amarokwlf playing with a possible slogan for the Tug's line of Popular Potion Products: "Fancy a Tug?"

Hop on booooard the Tuuuug Boat!

Honk the ol' fog horn and hop aboard for the olde time flavor of Citrus Tug!

Please buff responsibly. Tug may cause diuresis, eneurisis, emesis, lithuresis, tmesis, exegesis, and/or telekinesis.

Tug Logo by ChatGPT Robbi
AI Stub Tug Concept by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
Corporation, Conglomerate


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