Elf Tears

Elf tears are so rare and valuable in cuisine and magic, that when high elves are *able* to cry, they are quick to capture them in a bottle.


The tears of a High Elf make food and drink indescribably delicious.  


The tears of a High Elf make perfume indescribably enchanting.  


Value is no longer calculated by volume. It is measured by total sorrow per container, at a density suitable to a particular use. This is measured using a karmic scale. Elf Tears are typically diluted with water or alcohol, and fetch exorbitant prices.  

Conspicuous Lacrymal Collection

The elegance and small size of one's bottle are a powerful symbol of wealth. They tend to be ornate, and attached to a special pocket via a long chain. Sometimes they are lifted to the face by a long, thin, ornate wand, as if opera glasses. Some with notoriously productive eyes have special spectacle frames that hold two tiny vials.   Funerals in particular are seen as opportunities for conspicuous lacrymal collection.
AI Stub Elf Tears by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
AI Stub Elf Tears 2 by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
AI Stub Elf Tear Collection by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
AI Stub Elf Tear Collection 2 by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E


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