High Elf

High elves are the dominant species of Lotria. Some high elves visit or emigrate to Halcyon.




Radiance is a natural trait shared by high elves. It is amplified in proportion to the individual's Charm, and amplified further by the immediate presence of certain elegant materials, settings, clothing, and architecture. Within the range of the effect, beings susceptible to Radiance perceive the subject in the best possible light. At high intensity, a victim experiences a blinding white light, a crushing feeling of inadequacy, the impulse to kneel, and the desire to please any whim.




High elves are as cruel, as they are beautiful. They make you want to say "Yes", and somehow... you do. And you're never entirely certain it was your decision.

High elves follow a charisma-based caste system, signaled by a complex system of rules. The system is ostensibly based in historical precedents, but in practicality, their history is a work of fiction, codified by generations of socio-political power plays. High elves have a love of their own history, and they see no reason to avoid including tall tales, or to rewriting swaths of it as convenient. The truth and the past can always be made more entertaining.


The high elves of Candor especially disdain the self-named true elves. The fact that their very existence irritates high elves is generally relished by True Elves, who are immune to Radiance.



High elves are humanoid. They tend to be tall, fair, svelte, and of good complexion. They have long since lost the ability to produce tears. As a result of millennia of privileged treatment on Lotria high elf tear ducts became vestigial organs. Although now a rarity, bottled Elf Tears are a powerful, and much sought-after cooking ingredient.

High Elves Concept by Strawbs
Scientific Name
Felix Bastardis
Geographic Distribution

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