Into the Labyrinth of HoA

It had become painfully evident to Smoot that he was not going to enter the sanctum of the Arch-Wizard so easily. Neither he nor his vomit-scented imp of a companion had even seen a minotaur before this day, but today had brought them a very special treat. They were presently being removed from the Arch-Wizard's maze by none other than a legendary Minotaur. He wore a tight, company-issued polo shirt, and carried a company-issued truncheon. If his name tag was to be believed, the minotaur's name was Carl . He smelled like one would expect cattle to smell: earthy.   "You can't be hanging out here," he explained in a carefully metered, benevolent tone. This was somewhat at odds with the fact he was carrying both Smoot and Poot effortlessly out of the maze.   The party proceeded to the exit, past deadly traps that Smoot had spent hours carefully disarming. There was a spinning blade trap, its hub destroyed. Here was a trap door, blown to splinters. Everywhere, there was magical detritus just waiting to give a careless passerby a case of magical tetanus.   "The wizards around here are big into neighborhood security," he continued. Carl shook his huge cow head to either side sadly. "And that means lots of traps and guards."   Smoot struggled with increasing futility under the minotaur's massive arms. This was a response that Carl had apparently anticipated. He was polite enough to ignore the struggling, but tightened his arms around both of the intruders so that they rose up to his armpits.   "We really need to see the Arch-Wizard. It's important, you see." Smoot made his case as politely as one can with a face full of armpit.   "They don't catch a lot of intruders with these traps, you know." Carl went on. "I think it's mostly so they can write off any damages from intruders on their insurance. Shows they made the effort. The whole thing is rather silly, of course. But a job is a job."   Smoot screamed internally as they neared the entrance of the maze; he wasn't entirely sure he could remember the way in. Poot sensed his frustration and giggled happily. Peeves consume the negative emotions of their masters, and Poot was certainly looking forward to the meal that this would make.   "Now, do you guys have someplace warm to go?" Carl set them down carefully at the entrance to the maze and stood there, arms crossed. His voice radiated heartfelt concern.   Smoot weighed his options and followed his heart. In one smooth motion, he kicked Carl squarely in the knee, grabbed Poot by the collar of his sackcloth garment, and sprinted into the maze like a wizard possessed. They leapt over walls and traps with the sort of agility only panic can muster.   "Ohh... don't be like that. I'm off in like ten minutes," Carl mooed. "Do you know who has to clean up the mess if you get caught in one of these falling spike traps? Me, that's who. It'll be me staying late, poking at your dead body with a broom."   At last, Carl's voice faded with distance. Smoot braced himself against a wall and breathed heavily. This was nowhere near the Arch-Wizard's sanctum, but it did have a door...
Labyrinth of HoA Concept by Sarah Scott (Maroonz)


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