
Origins and Habitat

  Originating from the Phantasmic Sea, Minotaurans have an unparalleled ability to recall labyrinthine structures, enabling them to navigate the Labyrinth of HoA with ease.  

Unique Abilities

  These creatures have the unique skill to selectively forget certain passages, a tactic used both offensively and defensively. This ensures their territories and homes remain a challenge for outsiders to navigate.  

Settlement and Lifestyle

  While many call the Labyrinth of HoA home, some Minotaurans venture to its outskirts or delve deeper into the Phantasmic Sea to establish residences. Using their innate maze-design abilities, they shape their environment to their liking.  

Appearance and Duties

  Diverse in appearance, the guards among them are easily identifiable by their colorful polo shirts. These guardians, such as the notable Carl, ride enchanted golf carts, combining traditional maze-guarding with a touch of modern flair as they patrol the Labyrinth.  


  Eating Steak Taur-Taur in the sight of a minotaur will cause it to rage and attack.   See
Minotaur Concept - MidJourney Guest Art by Asipu
Scientific Name
Bovis Sapiens
Geographic Distribution


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