Magic Wand System

Wands are rod-shaped devices, held in one or both hands, that redirect a wizard's stored thaumic potential, in order to produce a variety of magical effects.

Wand Construction

A wand consists of a conductive, polarized grip, which wraps a long, cylindrical Chthonic Converter core, which is itself wrapped by a sheath that focuses and modulates the resulting quintessent flow. Many wands have slots where other modules may be attached, which modify the effects or use of the wand. See also Elemental Balance.


Many products that wizards use daily have been engineered to be wands, including some cases where this is arguably unnecessary or unwise. Wands are usually shelved by size, not purpose.

2F Wands
Held with two fingers.
  • magical pins, used to work magical textiles
  • magical needles, used to work magical textiles
3F Wands
Held with three fingers.
  • Wand of Mystery Meat
  • Occam's Razor
  • Fork
  • Spoon
  • Cocktail umbrellas
  • Cigarette holders
H Wands
Full-hand wands. The standard.
  • Master Wand - a common brand
  • Wand of Umbrella
  • Wand of Life
  • Degringolator
  • Frying Pan
  • Magic swords
  • Frying pan
  • Spatula
2H Wands
Two-handed wands.
  • Brooms
  • Fishing Rod
  • shovels
  • rakes
  • Thunderbury, Blessed Spade of the Gravekeeper
  • Yard care implements
  • walking sticks
  • cart axels
  • signposts
  • Cloudbuster
  • Wand-Chucks
  • Wand Crossbow (gatling) - fires garbage wands
  • Wand Chaingun (gatling) - fires garbage wands


  • Broom Bristles , handles, seats, kickstand, pedals. Fuzzy dice, disco ball, compass, pine freshener.
  • Gatling Wand
  • Wand Silencer
  • Bayonette
  • Shovel End
  • Reticle
  • Wanderbuss
  • Dream Catcher

User Requirements

Using a wand requires that the user has thaumic capacitance. Due to their unique biology, all wizard have thaumic capacitance, a condition where the body naturally absorbs thaumic potentials from their food and environment, which can then be released. If thaumic potential is not expelled regularly, it tends to discharge when the wizard sleeps, resulting in burnt sheets and embarrassment. Thaumic potential dissolves quickly in the air, and has a range around 6 inches, and up to a maximum range 3 feet with extreme training. When a wizard expels absorbed thaumic potential through a wand, the wand focuses and modulates it to produce a wide range of useful magical effects, often at an improved range, power, and efficiency.

Open-Carry Culture

Wands are one of the defining inventions of wizards, and a staple element of Wizarding Culture. No wizard's inventory is considered complete without at least one. It would be accurate to say wizards have an "open carry" culture, taken to extremes.

Drawn Magic System Implementation

This video shows an early proof of concept mechanic for the magic system: Drawing system. The system is based on Neural Network Symbol Recognizer Depending on the shape drawn, and where it is drawn, the spell may be expressed differently. For instance, a rectangle drawn on a wall with Earth magic might create a door. Drawn on the floor, it instead creates a raised platform. It's rather like the magic system in Ookami, but a bit more spatially grounded.


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