Elemental Magic

The Six Elements of Magic

  There are six elements of magic:

Axis I. Body

The following magical energies exist in opposition to one another within a magically active object. Their presence and balance affect the body, or physical aspect, of that object.

  • Earth Magic, associated with the Strength condition
  • Air Magic, associated with the Agility condition

Axis II. Mind

The following magical energies exist in opposition to one another within a magically active object. Their presence and balance affect the mind, or intentional aspect, of that object.

  • Fire Magic, associated with the Perception condition
  • Water Magic, associated with the Intellect condition

Axis III. Spirit

The following magical energies exist in opposition to one another within a magically active object. Their presence and balance affect the spirit, or context/impact aspect, of that object.


Magical Areas

Magically active areas, generally given as locations and geographic regions, have ambient base levels of elemental magic.  

Magical Realms

Halcyon's reams are generally magically active:   Falderal contains the following magical realms:   Ephemera contains the following magical realms:
  • Item
  Lugubria contains the following magical realms:
  • Item

Magical Weather

Halcyon's weather is generally magically active:

Magical Beings

Magically active objects include magical beings, which (by convention) include both naturally living species, and animate inanimate objects. Each magical species has a specified range for each elemental magic, in which any individual of that species is expected to fall. Individuals with levels outside of the range for their magical species may fall prey to a range of negative conditions, including but not limited to, transformation into a more compatible species (species is transmissible by air, and is prevented by the healthy magical immune system).

  Beings of the following species are magical:
Metaphysical, Elemental

Articles under Elemental Magic


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