
Rapture is usually caused by a Rapture Storm.   Rapture causes a slow, temporary levitation, which applies in proportion to your Light alignment. It comes with all the visual effects we associate with holy Christian-like rapture. Angels, harps, light coming down from the heavens.   At a sufficient height, Rapture causes you to ascend to Euphoria, the realm where all the virtuous White Magic folk reside. However, if you're only sort of "good", then you'll levitate slowly but then top out at a maximum height. Once the effect wears off, you'll plummet to your death. If you have zero Light alignment, then has no effect at all, making you effectively immune. The effect can be countered by carrying a sufficiently heavy object in your hands.   When you see a rapture storm coming, you have to do a quick mental inventory. Do I want to attempt to enter Euphoria? Am I "holy" enough to reach it? Am I "evil" enough that I'm immune? Or am I in between, and so I should get indoors quickly?


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