Rapture Storm

Rapture storms are pinkish, drifting storm systems that spit out heavenly beams from above. When anything Alive enters the beam, they gain condition Rapture until the storm ends. Rapture storms are caused by an over-abundance of Light Magic in the cloud layer, compared to its relative absence on the ground. Rapture storms are dangerously common in Dysphoria, the land beneath Euphoria, due to the cumulative effects of Celestial Occlusion. These often roll along the edges of Dysphoria. If the player's Light Magic is very high, the player can ride the rapture storm into Euphoria. If it is very low, the player will not be affected. If it is between, the player will be lifted from the ground, and then suddenly dropped to their death below, when the rapture storm subsides.
AI Stub Rapture Storm by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
rap·ture /ˈrap(t)SHər/ noun: rapture; noun: Rapture; noun: the Rapture 1. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy. "Leonora listened with rapture" plural noun: raptures "the tabloids went into raptures about her" 2. NORTH AMERICAN (according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ. "thousands of Christians gathered outside Rochester and other cities, awaiting the Rapture"


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