Tourist Dungeon

The Realm of Fire doesn't have a lot of agriculture, and so they find other ways of supporting themselves, especially this Tourist Dungeon. It emphasizes a touristy Hawaiian or Polynesian vibe, over what is obviously a series of semi-active volcanoes. Structures are adorned with a disturbing recurrence of skulls, of unclear origin. This multi-level dungeon is open by season, for parties of four. It even has a raid every four years, which is wildly popular on pay-per-view. It features over-the-top challengers, and a little bit of professional wresting humor. Demon-themed (tongue-in-cheek). Dragons. Some Indiana Jones. Excessive use of bones in architecture.

Beginner's Dungeon (Rating: 0)

The beginner's dungeon is accessible early. You can kill jellies, and it is suggested it doubles as a daycare because its difficulty is so low. This is effectively a tutorial stage.

Intermediate Dungeon (Rating: 1)

Potions and monsters are stocked, and battle music is piped in through actual pipes, with vintage horns. Pest: Goblin.

Advanced Dungeon (Rating:2)

One of the deeper levels is used for the championships. This is locked off except during the Ultra-Mega-Finals.


The deepest levels (the Under-Dungeon ) are off limits, and the enemies do not respawn. Accessible only through the Advanced Dungeon. See Multistory Dungeons


The dungeons use golf etiquette. The faster D&D party is allowed to go through. They usually space them 10 min apart though. The terms "play through" and "playing through" refer to the act of a faster group of golfers on a golf course being invited to or allowed to pass a slower group - for the faster group to get ahead of the slower group. Ideally, this happens at the invitation of the slower group.


Most of the maintenance is sub contracted and sub-sub contracted to Kobolds.


Every season, tourists travel the world round to Halcyon to compete for fastest time, highest treasure percentage, max dps, and other trivial shit. It's absurdly mercantile - like, more overt than the Olympics. See questline Ultra-Mega-Finals


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