
Located within the treacherous boundaries of the Phantasmic Sea, Halcyon stands as a realm of wonder and mystique. The founders of this realm have been lost to the sands of time, leaving behind only the fruits (and collateral damage) of a legacy of mighty magic.  


Halcyon is characterized by its distinct geography. Pillar-like landmasses rise from the infinite depths, providing a foundation for the realm. Surrounding these pillars, floating islands dangle, tethered by chains and bridges, giving an appearance reminiscent of a crowded parking hub. The close-knit arrangement of these islands reflects the realm's small size yet bustling nature. Varying terrain from lush forests to crystal spires, reflecting the diverse magical influences. Surrounded by the Phantasmic Sea.  


Bordered on all sides by the Phantasmic Sea, Halcyon is constantly under threat of metaphysical errosion. To combat metaphysical errosion, inhabitants of Halcyon build windows that face outward toward the Phantasmic Sea. Halcyon's border is further patrolled around the clock by a dedicated Watch. The Watch famously accepts recruits with crisp eyesight, photographic memory, and stout legs.  

Flora & Fauna

Ethereal creatures such as wisps, elemental sprites, and crystal-winged birds. Plant life includes luminous blossoms, floating vine forests, and gem-infused flora unique to each island. Flora and fauna are adapted to each island's magical essence.  

Natural Resources

Elemental crystals, magical herbs, enchanted gems, and unique elemental essences. Sought after by magic users, alchemists, and enchanters.  

Localized Phenomena

Glowing auroras, cascades of elemental energy, floating gardens, and ethereal music resonating from crystals. Magical ley lines connect islands, channeling energy.  


As a convergence point within the Phantasmic Sea, Halcyon is a melting pot of magical beings from various realms like Ephemera and Lugubria and Falderal. This dense coalescence has turned Halcyon into a hub of tourism, intrigue, and cultural exchange. Its limited geographical expanse is juxtaposed by its rich diversity, with settlements ranging from beautiful and magical locations to urban and rustic environments.  

Commerce & Activity

Halcyon thrives as a hotspot for commerce and recreational travel. Designated areas within the realm ensure the peaceful coexistence of its diverse inhabitants, fostering an atmosphere conducive to trade and leisure. However, outside these zones, the magical constraints on hostile activities are relaxed, making for dynamic interactions among its denizens.  


Transplants and tourists from the following realms, who have arrived through portals, and/or by traversing the ⁠Phantasmic Sea:  


Seekers of respite, scholars of magic, diplomats, and adventurers visit Halcyon. Tourists explore elemental wonders, attend magical symposiums, and revel in enchanting festivities. Accommodations vary from enchantment-spun lodgings to crystal-lit retreats.
Inhabiting Species


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