Vitriolic Battery

A battery powered by refined Vitriol. It acts as a reservoir for Void Magic. They are shaped much like a modern gas can, but of medieval construction. The key component in each battery is a shaped translucent purple gemstone, cut roughly to the shape of the battery. It glows purple with the stored energy.   Manufactured in, and a major export of, Pandemonium. When running, they smell faintly of rotten eggs.
Vitriolic Battery by ChatGPT Robbi
Item type
Power Storage / Generator
vit·ri·ol /ˈvitrēəl/ noun 1. cruel and bitter criticism. "her mother's sudden gush of fury and vitriol" 2. ARCHAIC•LITERARY sulfuric acid. "it was as if his words were spraying vitriol on her face"
See also wikipedia - Vitriol


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