Wand of Encampment

Creates a camp location where the player can rest, save. As this is leveled up, the camp provides more utilities. The wand is suggestive of a hobo's bindle. It is suppressed by Spell Check.
  • L0 Bivouac
  • L1 Shebang
  • L2 Tent
  • L3 Lesser Abode
  • L4 Greater Abode
  • L5 (Void faction char)'s Sanctum
  • L5 (Light faction char)'s Sanctum
  • L5 (Fire faction char)'s Sanctum
  • L5 (Water faction char)'s Sanctum
  • L5 (Earth faction char)'s Sanctum
  • L5 (Air faction char)'s Sanctum
Further additions to the camp structure are managed via wand mods. For instance, the player may add a mod to the wand to unlock a food craft station or an alchemy craft station.
Item type


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