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Saraja Family (Sar-ah-ja)

The Sarajas are a family of solars that are revered as the children of Haru, Aysha, and their mysterious immortal Consort. In the Ayshan religion, the Sarajas are the inner circle of the one true God; to non-Ayshan solars, the Sarajas are at least the children of powerful demigods. They are also revered by the Sumoxan religion.    The Sarajas are technically demigods themselves, in the smallest possible ways - they do have inherited abilities and they are not entirely solars, but these abilities are not extremely powerful or immediately noticeable. These abilities are as present in the newest generation of Sarajas as the first children, though it seems that a younger-generation Saraja needs to spent time around their ancestors for their powers to manifest. This has not been noticed by anyone, as the original three are very much immortal and play a very active role in their descendants lives.    As for the Saraja abilities:
  • They shine with unusual light for a solar
  • They don't need sunlight to live
  • They and their contexts cannot be discerned by the Lunar Pantheon 
  • They are resistant to non-magical damage
  • They learn magic with unusual affinity
  • They are exceptionally good at perceiving things such as lies, magical auras, invisible things, hidden things, or illusions
Useful, but not entirely exceptional in this world.    Currently, 23 Sarajas are alive. Most are concentrated in Shirpatra, and many of the rest are with Haru. While most of the world is not a threat to a well-trained Saraja, they are well aware that they do have one powerful enemy: Suwota, the immortal sovereign of the Empire of Runeva who considers the Sarajas to be living blasphemy and kills them at any opportunity.


Okay, so time to go through every Saraja in brief. These people live very long lives and went through a lot, so note that their legacies and personalities are more complicated than presented. Also, as solars, their births are wildly staggered - it is not uncommon for uncles or aunts to be younger than their nieces, since there is a 400-year window for a solar to have children upon reaching adulthood. Also, these are working notes - these are subject to change.   All dates here are generalized to the century/decade turn for simplicity's sake. To better see who was born to who, see the family trees. Only blooded Sarajas are on here; the many solars who married into the family are not named or detailed.

Generation 1

Artaba (900 - 1500): The first child of the Gods and the most rigorously trained. Artaba grew up under immense pressure to be the greatest of solars, and they did their absolute best to fulfill that duty. Philosopher, cleric, activist, and lawyer, Artaba was always "the golden child" who had to manage the rest of the Sarajas when the Gods weren't able to handle it. They only had one child, Harret, and they kept a dedicated triple-marriage with accomplished Ayshan solars Prellesa and Winter. While their parents realized later in life that they had accidentally made Artaba unhappy and did their best to fix the damage, Artaba never let themselves fully retire - they could never stop working, and continue to do so with Ponder in Paradise.   Kosho (940 - 1600): Kosho grew up as Artaba's shadow, though they never reached their older siblings level of prestige or accomplishment. Instead, Kosho hid from their parents and from broader society - they resented the expectations of godhood and were rebellious in the most quiet ways. Kosho eventually grew to be something of an advocate and friend to younger generations, the funky aunt/uncle willing to listen and give good advice when the family became too much. Ironically, they never had kids of their own.   Pratama (1000 - 1500): Pratama was raised with lower expectations than the first two, in what some might call a sheltered and coddled environment. The Gods planned to simply raise them with love and then allow them to find their own ambitions. Pratama never really did - a life of leisure and quiet joy suited them fine. Their parents' mild prodding slowly annoyed them enough to make them leave Shirpatra, and they joined the nomadic solar tribes to live a life of low-level fame abroad. They jumped between many temporary marriages (not uncommon for their new community) and had three kids: Virtue, Power, and Wonder. Pratama was the first to die by Suwota's hand.  

Generation 2

Harret (1200 - 1800): Child of Artaba, who rejected their parent's expectations in displays of loud rebellion. Ironically, they found shelter from Artaba's micromanagement with their grandparents - the Gods. Harret was happy doing work around the sacred city of Suwirsha, and became known as a local legend of sorts; they started many charities, organized a sports league, and generally focused on making the city a better place to live in ways other than policy-making. Had a large family with two different couples, four children in all: Gelshema, Dorelvi, Torshal, and Kelm. Over time, Harret pivoted entirely to taking care of their kids and grandkids, and became a pillar of the family.   Virtue (1100 - 1680): Child of Pratama. One of the most important Sarajas, Virtue was an eccentric mystic who founded the Sumoxan religion. Ambitious, rebellious, and obsessed with strange theology, Virtue did their best to train a new generation of traveling doctors and mediators to mend the world. They accidentally saw themselves carried by an army of zealous followers into empire-building. They played less and less of a direct role in politics as they grew older; their eccentricities grew and they became reasonably paranoid after the death of Pratama and an attempt on their life by Runevan assassins. Had three children: Curiosity, Hope, and Love.   Power (1200 - 1800): Child of Pratama. A cleric that spent their lives split between the solar tribes of their parents and the empire of the Gods. Known for their aggressive neutrality and fear of causing problems in the world. Managed to live a mostly normal life, and now spends time with Agamine the Lost. Had only one child, Purity.   Wonder (1350 - 1950): Child of Pratama who resented both their divine parent and their older sibling, Virtue. Loved knowledge and authority, and clung to the Gods with a sense of admiration that lasted centuries. Was known as their divine agent, though they did a good job of this; while they needed to put all things in order, they were rarely un-empathetic (except, unfortunately, to their kids). Had two children, Freedom and Mercy.  

Generation 3

Gelshema (1300 - 1800): Eldest child of Harret. From a young age, Gelshema was drawn by romantic tales of foreign lands and fantastical adventures. They craved total freedom from the rest of their family, who they found overbearing and suffocating, and they eventually left on their own to become a traveling author. While Suwota hunted them for centuries, they seemed to enjoy the chase - and were never caught. Gelshema dabbled in Emesh cult, joined Mavara's bacchanalia, and generally danced on the edges of acceptability. Never had any serious romantic partners or kids.   Dorelvi (1470 - 2000): Child of Harret. Dorelvi was a spirit similar to Harret: fun-loving, domestic, unconcerned by the broader world, and family-oriented. Dorelvi was the first Saraja to really gravitate to the Consort instead of one of their two Divine ancestors - they happily acted as their mystery great-grandparent's assistant during their travels and return to Shirpatra. Known within the family as a prankster and class clown. Had one child, Kota.   Torshal (1560 - Present): Child of Harret. Torshal was always an inquisitive solar, concerned with the big questions about the world. The answers they found deeply troubled them, though, and despair ate at their peace of mind as they grew older. As time went on, Torshal rejected all philosophy and became a bitter opponent of the Sumoxan religion, which they considered to be a dangerously unrealistic faith that the family had a moral duty to put down. Currently a bitter old solar in Shirpatra. An anti-natalist who has no children, and has outlived their partners.   Kelm (1670 - Present): Child of Harret. A stern solar with a lot of trauma, Kelm clings desperately to all sense of order and stability. The unluckiest Saraja to not die, Kelm has ended up captured by cults, wounded by assassins, and the like countless times - and yet, it was never anything that magic couldn't fix. Kelm idealizes Harret and has sought to be just like them, but has struggled to live up to their own unrealistic romanticized expectations. Currently in Shirpatra, where they spend their time trying to look after various family members. Parent of Takka, Samaya, and Elesha.   Curiosity (1350 - 1890): Eldest child of Virtue, born during Virtue's travelling mystic phase and basically raised by everyone but them. Tossed around between people like a burden more than a child until they were finally given to Aysha, who they bonded with intensely. Ever-resentful of both Virtue and Pratama for abandoning them, Curiosity rejected their legacies and spent their life seeking to just be a good person individually, on their own terms, in Shirpatra. Close friend of Harret and Wonder. Had one child, Sanaji.   Hope: (1450 - 1970): Child of Virtue. Unlike Curiosity, Hope loved and idealized their parent - Virtue was much more involved in their upbringing and the two had a much healthier relationship. A passionate Sumoxan, Hope spent their life trying to keep Virtue's legacy alive - and served as the tie between the Sarajas back in Shirpatra and the Sarajas who joined the Sumoxans. Had many flings but no committed partners and ended up having 2 kids, Passion and Blessing. Dissapeared mysteriously.   Love (1550 - Present): A child of Virtue, born towards the end of the solar's life. Love was raised with fiery ambition, and spent their life trying to be the next Virtue. To this day, Love is deeply involved in the Sumoxan community and the Sumoxan solars. Has required interventions from the Gods, who have worked to prevent their ambition from leading them into performing atrocities.   Purity (1450 - 1900): Child of Power. Despite bouts of anxiety and depression, Purity managed to live a happy and accomplished life. Oscillated between wandering with Haru and working for Aysha in governing Shirpatra. Now considered an ideal Saraja, which they would have found funny. Had two children with two different couples: Charity and Doraya.   Freedom (1650 - Present): Child of Wonder, and their model child that absorbed all of their perfectionism. A non-stop political operator, Freedom has spent their life ceaselessly toiling in Shirpatra to strengthen their family's influence. While Haru and Aysha have gotten Freedom to tone it down slightly from their miserable fever-pitch, they still have a terrible life balance.   Mercy (1750 - Present): Child of Wonder. If Freedom was broken into Wonder's idealized image, Mercy broke the opposite direction. They are a wild son of a gun, a hedonist known for their extreme antics and utter apathy for the world. In order to contain their destructive impulses, the Gods have simply supplied them with endless material indulgences, including a notorious party ranch. Has a child, which they named Thirst (an odd name even by solar standards).  

Generation 4

Kota (1690 - Present): Child of Dorelvi. Like their parent, they unusually gravitated to the Consort instead of any other family member, and have worked to archive the Consort's vast knowledge of the world. Known for being incredibly nice and conflict-avoidant, which fits their political neutrality. Had one child, Karvu.   Takka (1770 - Present): Child of Kelm, who dominates their life even now in a tense maybe-codependency that the family has helped them slowly get away from (mostly). Straight-laced, responsible, and desperate to fulfill their duties to the broader family, Takka is always there to help whenever a Saraja or the Empire is in need. Close childhood friend of Mercy (the infamous hedonist) despite everything. Has a permanent marriage and two kids, Latija and Asala, and is considering having a third kid soon.   Samaya (1850 - Present): Child of Kelm. A curious child with a boundless imagination who has struggled with their parent's overbearing invasiveness and their difficulty relating to other family members. An extreme introvert for their early life, Samaya just wanted to be a scientist and magician. As a teen, they met and were mentored by the great wizard Darza - who returned decades later to whisk them away from their family. In an ultimate act of rebellion, Samaya vanished with Darza and has spent their life in the Darzan University as Darza's apprentice, cloaking device, and emotional punching bag.   Elesha (1950 - Present): Child of Kelm. Still a young adult by solar standards. A rebel from a young age, Elesha's childhood was defined by frequent screaming matches and acts of performative revolt. Eventually, Elesha was taken in and raised by Aysha as an apprentice, which has suited the young solar well.   Sanaji (1720 - Present): Child of Curiosity. Was raised partially by Ayshan zealots who followed Curiosity around, which led to Sanaji gravitating to extreme religion. This combined with Curiosity's passed-down hatred of Virtue has led to Sanaji being a one-solar crusade against Sumoxa (along with all other heathens, but Sumoxa first). Very close to Aysha and Haru, who do their best to moderate Sanaji's views. Nonetheless, Sanaji is prone to extremes in ideology and emotion and has been known to go on personal crusades without telling anyone. One of these, a crusade to take over and convert the Sumoxans to Ayshanism, led to Sanaji and their friends being painfully killed by Runevan assassins - though the assassin failed to make it magically permanent, and Sanaji was resurrected. The experience deeply traumatized the solar, who has since pivoted to trying to kill Suwota. They have also become much more paranoid. Considering having a child soon.   Passion (1600 - Present): Child of Hope. A laid-back artist who left the Sumoxan world to return to Shirpatra (though they still have connections among the Sumoxan solars). Enjoys trips with Haru, but inevitably returns to Aysha, and they have recently retired permanently to Suwirsha. Has mastered bardic magic, but prioritizes artistic expression over power. Sometimes helps with imperial administration. Has one child, Viridian.   Blessing (1700 - Present): Child of Hope. A Sumoxan solar who travels with Haru and enjoys working as a traveling teacher for nomadic solar children. Has a passion for learning and teaching, and can be very open-minded when they aren't convinced that they are the smartest person in the room. Recently settled into a more established relationship and considering having kids.   Charity (1650 - 1910): Child of Purity. While raised with love, they have struggled to find their place in the world - every job and calling has left them dissatisfied. Finally, they realized that focusing on inward-facing meditation, learning, and self-improvement made them feel truly whole, and they have been a monk ever since. They were something of a magical dabbler, who has worked to try and blend druidic magic, life magic, and the way of the open palm to create the ultimate synthesis of body and mind. Ultimately, Charity was unable to finish their experimentation, before a fellow cleric betrayed them and delivered them to Suwota.    Doraya (1700 - Present): Child of Purity. While raised with love and community, Doraya has had bad luck with people - their relationships turned out to be very harmful for them, and their "healing journey" with Haru exposed them to the worst of the world. They have become a cynical pessimist, almost a misanthrope, which became even more noxious as an attitude after they started spending time with Torshal. Despite all this, they care deeply for their family and have always put in the effort to help the other Sarajas out. Currently at a crossroads of sorts, regarding their outlook and life direction. Has one child, Akuva.   Thirst (1950 - Present): Child of Mercy. A young adult even now. Known by the other Sarajas as a destructive spoiled brat who enjoys testing what they can get away with at all times. Was deeply neglected and raised with strange values, and has a very bad relationship with their own status and ego. Needs constant attention, craves validation, loves breaking things to feel powerful, and doesn't know how to operate outside of status relationships.  

Generation 5

Karvu (1840 - Present): Child of Kota. Was raised as the next assistant to the Consort (transforming it into a hereditary position), a role that they prospered in. Styled themselves as the keeper of secret lore, and went out of their way to collect various bits of unusual knowledge. Their time ruminating on the big picture led to them adopting a radical Ayshan stance against Gods and Immortals. Has one child, named Koemi.   Latija (1900 - Present): Child of Takka. The spitting image of Takka, but happier and a little less stuffy. Heavily involved in Shirpatran politics and administration. An idealist who is close with both Haru and Aysha. Was encouraged to take on Thirst as an apprentice, though that was an abysmal failure.   Asala (2010 - Present): Child of Takka. A very young child, known for being very well-behaved   Viridian (1890 - Present): Child of Passion. An ambitious magician interested in pursuing their own glory outside of serving the Gods. Has been drawn to Sumoxan politics, requiring the intervention of Haru to prevent them from stirring international conflict. Shares the artistic sensibilities of their parents, but craves the sense of power and impact given by politics.   Akuva (2000 - Present): Child of Doraya. An idealistic kid entering adolescence, who passionately rebels and annoys Doraya at every turn. A bit pretentious, but very well-meaning.  

Generation 6

Koemi (2000 - Present): Child of Karvu. A cynical kid entering adolescence, who was raised into apprenticeship for the Consort just like Karvu was. Unlike Karvu, Koemi hasn't dealt with dark truths very well and has turned to a kind of xenophobic Ayshan supremacy to try and comfort themselves. They have resisted all attempts to change their mind, and have wrapped themselves in a kind of mean elitism.     Shemja (2015 - Present): Child of Latija. A very small child, can walk and say a handful of words.
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