The Creation Myth

As told by the first historian of the Abalindi Beholo, Erki Tarihi.   Once there was only one world, Ereste and only the Great Artist, Eyota Oviyan. On that world, Eyota Oviyan created the land and the sea, the peoples and the creatures. Ze roamed the land and the peoples prospered. They built cities and raised families. Ze made his way around the world and settled disputes between the kings and the kings settle disputes between the families. Life was good for the people. Ze would spend time with a favorite mortal as time would progress, they would die, but ze would not. Ze was lonely.   Eyota Oviyan decided that ze needed a family and created one. Ze started with five children. These children are called the First Children. They are Eko, Narissara, Jai, Kaliska, and Makani. At first, life was grand, but as the siblings grew older, their personalities and powers grew stronger. The siblings didn’t always get along and Ze understood as that happens as people grow and change. He had seen it in the peoples in which he had populated his world. He tried to settle the disputes between zir children like he did zirs people, but it didn’t work the same. His children didn’t have the same respect for zir as zirs people did.   Eyota Oviyan decide to split zirs world between zirs children, hoping that if they had their own territory, then they would get along. Ze split it in five equal shares, no place any bigger or smaller than another. But before long, Eko and Kaliska were arguing over who owned the most territory, as Eko had more land, but Kaliska had more people. Narissara and Jai were arguing over whose people were the smartest and Makani was trying to make peace between zir siblings, even though ze had by far the smallest amount of actual land as ze had mostly small islands. The only time that everyone seemed to get along was in the presence of their Father/Mother. Ze’s world was in flames and ze was hurt, angry and depressed. Zir family that ze loved so dearly was falling apart and taking zirs world with it. Not being able to watch it all fall apart around zir, Eyota Oviyan left.   Eyota Oviyan spent the next eon creating worlds and populating them with creatures, peoples and all manner of life. Then ze built a hallway. At the end of the hallway, ze created a door to the world of Ereste, the First World. Then ze created other doors to other worlds until the hall could be walked for a lifetime and still there would be more doors as far as the eyes could see. Between every dozen or so doors, there was a hallway that lead to a portal. This portal was different to the doors along the hallway. It led to a series of chambers, much like a castle or school. Housed in these chambers were living quarters, medical chambers, classrooms, kitchens, a grand hall, and other rooms for living, working, training and learning.   While Eyota Oviyan was gone, Eko, Narissara, Jai and Kaliska sent their troops against one another while Makani begged zir siblings to stop fighting. Finally, tired of not being heard, Makani gathered zir people and retreated to zir main set of islands and barricaded it against zir siblings. Zir wept for the people of zirs world. A few of each of the other sibling’s followers escaped to Makani’s land and joined with Ze’s tribe in the green paradise of the islands. Makani, limited in space, kept zir people safe, by extending their lives but limiting the number of children they could conceive. (Elves)   Eko, Narissara, Jai, and Kaliska continue to argue and battle over who was the best, brightest and the favorite of their Father/Mother. They were so completely involved in their war against each other, they didn’t realize that Eyota Oviyan was missing. Their battles laid waste to the lands around them, killing off their peoples, until each was only left with a handful of followers.   Now, each sibling had a staff of power given to them on their day of birth by their Father/Mother. The staff helped them to control and boost the power they inherited from their Father/Mother. It was a teaching tool to help them learn to use the power flowing through their bodies. It would take millennium for them to be able to use their own power without using their staff.   Eko, mad on power and swearing that he was the rightful heir to their Father/Mother’s throne, stole the staffs of power from Narissara, Jai and Kaliska. He tried to steal Makani’s as well, but couldn’t get pasts zirs barricade. Without their symbols of power, Narissara, Jai and Kaliska didn’t have enough power to keep Eko from taking over their world. He assumed a dictatorship over Ereste, except for the small area that Makani was protecting.   Eko chained Narissara, Jai and Kaliska to him through his control of their Staffs of Power, twisting them to his will until they were his playthings. Narissara prided herself on her intelligence and wisdom. Eko twisted her power and her clerics’ magic to only work when they were feeding sexually off their partners. Narissara became the first Succubi and her clerics, the first race of Succubi/Incubi. Jai prided himself on his prowess in battle. Eko sent him and his clerics to the mines to work, twisting their powers and bodies to only work with metal and stone. Jai became the first Dwarf Lord and his clerics, the first dwarves. Kaliska prided herself on her skills in hunting, spying and assassination. Eko twisted her and her clerics into berserker animals at the slightest provocation. She was no longer the quiet, stealthy hunter of old. Kaliska became the first Werewolf Alpha and her clerics all became Lycanthropes.   When Eyota Oviyan completed the Hall of Doors, he returned to Ereste to see zirs children and was horrified with what ze found. Zi’s pain and rage was so great that zi left swaths of destruction in his path towards Eko’s stronghold. Ereste used to be a place of wonder and beauty. Eko twisted it into a place of pain and horror. Eyota Oviyan leveled it into utter destruction.   When Eyota Oviyan reached the Eko’s stronghold and saw what Eko had done to zi’s children, zi’s heart cried out with so much pain and suffering that it cracked Eko’s staff into two pieces and bound Eko to the world of Ereste. Eyota Oviyan rescued Narissara, Jai & Kaliska from Eko. As part of their punishment for starting the war in the first place, zi left them changed into their new forms, but eased some of their traits.   For Narissara, zi gave her and her clerics control over their powers. They would no longer kill their partners to fill their hunger. The more powerful the partner, the easier to quench their need, and they could now control how much they attracted or repulsed the people around them. For Narissara herself, she was given back her staff, though it was changed. Now instead of intelligence and wisdom, her areas of power were passion and sexuality.   For Jai, zi gave him and his clerics the power to harness the metal and stone into powerful artifacts and weapons. While battle was still unavailable to Jai’s dwarves, they would be the pentacle of mage crafters when it came to metal and stone. For Jai himself, he was given back his staff, though it too was changed. Now instead of battle prowess, his areas of power were metal and stone.   For Kaliska, zi gave her and her clerics the power to transform at will though control was harder or easier depending on certain factors and the type of lycanthrope. Zi, also, gave control of the berserker rage to Kaliska and her clerics. It was now a spell that they could use as a last ditch do-or-die to defend against their enemies. For Kaliska herself, she was given back her staff, though it too was changed. Now instead of hunting, spying & assassination, her areas of power were transformation and power.   Eyota Oviyan visited Makani in zirs barricade. Zi helped Makani ease the burden immigration, over-populated islands and food scarcity had caused. Makani had been taking in the refuges from zir siblings war and it had taken its toll on her people and her land. Eyota blessed her and her clerics will an abundance of power and her land with fertility.   Eyota Oviyan decided that Ereste wasn’t the place to keep most of zirs children and gathered up Narissara, Jai, Kaliska, Makani, their clerics and their people. Zi took them into the Hall of Doors and sent each of zi’s children into a new world where they could make their own way. Ze populated each of those world with different types of peoples, including scattering Narissara’s, Jai’s, Kaliska’s, and Makani’s people throughout these worlds. However, each of zis children was the deity of their own world.   Then, Eyota Oviyan went back Ereste’ door and sealed it closed, so that Eko couldn’t get out. By this time, Ereste was a wasteland except for the islands where Makani’s people had lived. Eko made his home on the largest island. He vowed revenge on his Father/Mother and his siblings. Eko started trying to figure out how to get out of the door and into the Hall.   Eyota Oviyan started populating all the worlds attached to zis Hall of Doors, including granting powers to a Major Deity and a host of Minor Deities for each world, including zis children’s worlds. Zi also set up a system of magic for the people. Eyota Oviyan want to Hall of Door to be traveled by the Deities and people of the worlds, so zi created a group of guardians to watch over and help protect the Hall. This group of guardians became the the Abalindi Beholo, The Guards of the Hall.
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Cover image: Ustehall by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI


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