The Portals of Ustehall

Mystical Gateways To Infinite Realms

Through ancient portals, worlds become interconnected, and a remarkable chapter of history unfolds. Eyota Oviyan's divine handiwork, the portals, were instrumental in travel between realms, allowing for easy and efficient transport. The significance of each portal was immense, with colossal structures that dwarf human comprehension. These gateways now lie dormant. Their former grandeur reduced to mere relics of a forgotten time. Come on a journey to explore these mystical portals. Uncover their rich history and significance, and delve into the mechanics that make them work.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Through a combination of ambient magic and the essence of their respective worlds, the gateways hummed with life.


Erki Tarihi's The Creation Myth tells us that Eyota Oviyan, the divine creator and artist, crafted the first portal when ze left Ereste, zir's original world. Eyota's cosmic voyage was a journey of creation, and with each step, ze gave birth to countless worlds and realms, each with its own unique portal. The Great Artist seamlessly wove the portals into the fabric of their respective worlds, offering a direct connection to Ustehall.


In the realm they inhabit, the portals hold immense significance, serving as a gateway between worlds. They were the key to unlocking connections between different worlds, allowing for the exchange of ideas, goods, and traditions. They symbolize the unity of the multiverse. The portals' significance has transformed since they became dormant. These relics remind us of an era of exploration and connection.

Eyota Oviyan's divine craftsmanship is evident in these portals. They stand as testaments to his vision in the vast and enchanting universe of Ustehall. These portals were massive, weighing an incredible amount and stretching to impressive sizes. They has once been active conduits, connecting countless worlds to Ustehall. Now, thanks to Eko's attempt to take over Ustehall, the dormant portals serve as a reminder of a last era of unity and exploration. Their significance has shifted. The portals wait to awaken and reconnect the realms of Ustehall.  
Orison of Departure by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI
Item type
Creation Date
At the beginning of each world's creation
Destruction Date
All the portals went dormant 400 UYears ago. (How Time Works in Ustehall)
Current Location
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
One of a Kind per World
Staggering - requires magickal equipment for transport
Three times taller than the average person, and can accommodate five people standing side by side with ease.
Raw materials & Components
The portals are made with star dust and Eyota Oviyan's magickal energy.
Related Myths

Cover image: Kofa Gini Portal by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI


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