Bounty Hunter Profession in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Bounty Hunter



  • Must be able to fight
  • Must be able to kill if necessary
  • Must be able to not die
  • Must be able to catch people without killing them

Career Progression

Within this profession ranks exist. The higher your rank, the more sought after you are, allowing you to charge a higher price for your services.

Payment & Reimbursement

Paid the promised sum upon completion of the task.

Other Benefits

Often gain fame among the common folk. Can gain fame to nobility if notable enough to work for them.



Gives the common folk a source of solving their 'practical problems'.

Social Status

Considered a lower class profession but a respected one. You'd never tell a bounty hunter they're low class.


There are less than 200 total bounty hunters.


Bounty hunters were and still are considered quite similar to Rangers, though there is a big difference. Rangers are often sent in groups to do jobs and are grouped in a guild, while bounty hunters work alone most times unless they have a partner. Bounty hunters gain individual fame while rangers bring fame to their clan.



There is no standard equipment but most bounty hunters own a broadsword or a bow at least.


Can work anywhere in the world, mostly out in the wilderness hunting their bounties.

Dangers & Hazards

Dangerous jobs cause dangerous hazards.
Alternative Names
Mercenary, sellsword
Of high demand in towns and villages where soldiers are in low amount.
Bounty hunters are not listed as on official profession or even a legal one, but unless a bounty hunter is seen committing an illegal act (even with a contract), they are generally left alone by soldiers.
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions
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