Ranger Profession in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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  • Skilled in archery and blades
  • Able to survive in the wilderness on their own
  • Skilled in hunting
  • Lowborn

Career Progression

Rangers work their way through the different clans, beginning with Badger Clan and moving up to Bear Clan. Each clan has a leader e.g. Head Badger and Alpha Wolf, which are considered promotions and which you must have spent time as to move on to the next clan.

Payment & Reimbursement

Rangers are payed on the agreed sum by the people they are hired by, with a portion of the gold going to the collective bank for the Mother Bear to spend on improving the guild.

Other Benefits

Rangers can gain fame and a little glory, but the biggest benefit to most is that they are free from the rules of Unitian society and able to leave as themselves in the woods.



They act as a second form of police besides the military of the nation, most peasants in the North of Unity where they are based consider rangers more effective.

Social Status

While popular to hire not many people like rangers while not hiring them, so they are considered quite a low status, barely being considered part of society.


There are less than a couple hundred rangers in total. They range from Wood Elfs to Humans to even the occasional Halfling.


Rangers were and still are considered quite similar to Bounty Hunters, though there is a big difference. Rangers are often sent in groups to do jobs and are grouped in a guild, while bounty hunters work alone most times unless they have a partner. Bounty hunters gain individual fame while rangers bring fame to their clan.



  • Bow and arrows
  • Swords
  • Daggers
  • Spears
  • Axes


Can work anywhere in the world, though they are based in the Dasatone Woods and are often hired by peasants of the Kingdom of Dagmire, an unruly kingdom with little military control.

Dangers & Hazards

Can be killed by their own victim or even wild animals if they are not careful. Oftentimes members of a military will treat them as hostile, leading them to often have to disguise themselves in cities.
Alternative Names
Mercenary, Drawbow, Sellsword
Hired mostly by peasants to deal with other peasants that have done wrong in their eyes, rarely used by nobles.
While technically legal, this profession involves the killing of people often ruled by a ruler as innocent. As such many members of the military and nobility treat them as hostile entities.
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions
Related Locations


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