Djinnden Organization in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Appearing soon after the gods abandoned the Valley of the Gods, the canyon nearby and the mountains either side was soon crawling with the goblin-like creatures known only as the Djinn. They proved themselves formidable to the nearby dwarf kingdoms and soon pushed them back to the very outskirts of the canyon. As close as they are to it, no Djinn has ever made it into the valley, some believe they do not even know it is there.


Technological Level

Tribal technology.


The Djinn appear to believe not in the deities of Unity, or at least do not worship them.

Foreign Relations

Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Land of the Djinn, the Tribe of Djinn
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities
Druk Djinnleader

Hostile, aggressive neighbours

Twingarten faces the occasional attack from the Djinn.

Enemies, aggressive neighbours

The Djinn are conquerors who have taken much of the land Ferrokeep used to rule, killing, pillaging and burning as they went. They left none alive.

Enemies, aggressive neighbours

The Djinn have pushed Copperrim far back into the canyon, murdering, pillaging and burning as they go.


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