Lordship of Birchwood Organization in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Lordship of Birchwood


Run by the lord of Birchwood. Beneath him is the council of advisors who administrate different parts of the region.


Birchwood has a mainly Human culture, but is also populated with Halflings and the odd Dwarf, merging the cultures.

Demography and Population

Most of the population are human, but due to the neighbouring halfling and dwarf nations, these are also common folk in this region. The halflings mostly live around the smaller towns and farms, living simple lives. The Dwarfs can be found in the capital, as it is close to the nearby mountains, sitting at the foot of it, and serve as blacksmiths and armourers.


Technological Level

Medieval verging on renaissance era technology.

Foreign Relations

Agriculture & Industry

Has a large farm across the river from Hillswallow, providing food to all of Birchwood and nearby allies. Industry-wise they are well-equipped due to the nearby mountains providing minerals such as coal for forges and iron for weapons. Besides the nearby dwarf nation to the North of them, they have the strongest industry in all of Unity.
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Edmund the Bloody

Allies, Trade Partners

Allies, Trade Partners


While Gracia is the capital region of the Kingdom of Gracia, Birchwood is an important and influential region, creating a natural rivalry.

Aggressive neighbours


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