Scalvach Ethnicity in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Abigail, Ahuaiti, Alice, Amphillis, Ann, Anne, Aperira, Aroha, Barbara, Benedicta, Bennet, Bethsabe, Blythe, Cecily, Cicely, Christabell, Clare, Constance, Dorithie, Elinor, Elizabethe, Ellen, Ellyn, Erihapeti, Eylmer, Faith, Gillian, Good, Grissell, Ha Amu, Hannah, Honor, Ihanga, Janet, Joan, Joane, Joyce, Judeth, Judith, Kaewa, Katherine, Lana, Lani, Love, Mabel, Maia, Mairana, Makareta, Mami, Marian, Margaret, Margarett, Margerie, Martha, Mathaye, Moana, Paiti, Pakeka, Parnell, Philippa, Pihi, Poroka, Pouriwa, Rebecka, Reka, Ruiha, Sara, Sarah, Sidney, Susan, Suzanna, Sybyll, Syndony, Ukuroa, Unice, Ursula, Uruau, Vashti, Wai Oro, Wilmot, Wyborough, Wynefreed, Zephora

Masculine names

Adrian, Ahia, Amako, Amor, Androw, Ayland, Barnard, Bartholomew, Benjamin, Charles, Clement, Damon, David, Edmond, Emanual, Emanuell, Erehe, Erepu, Eru, Evered, Francis, Galwell, Garret, Geoffrey, Gregory, Hakara, Henrie, Hohepa, Hugo, Ikei, Iramai, Jacob, Jeames, Jeffrey, Jerome, Johen, John, Joseph, Joshua, Josias, Kea, Kiki, Lancaster, Lancelot, Lionel, Maaka, Marama, Miles, Migsett, Mychaell, Myles, Nathaniell, Nazereth, Nicholas, Octavian, Osmund, Paau, Paipa, Paipau, Paki-Iwi, Peter, Poto, Oraora, Rafe, Raru, Rewi, Richarde, Robert, Roberte, Rua, Rycharde, Salathiell, Sampson, Samuel, Tane, Thomas, Tiki, Tipene, Titus, Uamutu, Uric, Vincent

Family names

Abery, Alard, Annesley, Arana, Arono, Asger, Assheby, Atherton, Audeley, Babham, Baret, Barre, Bende, Berdwell, Beresford, Beaumont, Bell, Beton, Blodwell, Braunstone, Brewster, Bulstrode, Burgh, Byschoppeson, Caley, Canteys, Castletown, Chelseye, Chester, Cod, Cranford, Darley, Dawne, Dencourt, Dering, Donnet, Dow, Drayton, Edgerley, Eldysley, Emerson, Enoka, Ffrewyll, Flexney, Flower, Fulburne, Galey, Garard, Gibbs, Goddam, Golding, Goodere, Goodnestone, Goodryngton, Greville, Hammer, Hakebourne, Halshan, Hamuera, Hakopa, Hamutana, Hariwana, Harlakinden, Hayton, Henare, Herangi, Hornebolt, Karaka, Karauna, Kawhena, Keeti, Keretene, Kydwelly, Langstone, Leeche, Leverer, Leynthall, Loveney, Lowthe, Lynde, Lytcott, Lytton, Manuera, Markepiece, Mauntell, Mete, Munu, Muston, Nele, Nepe, Newdegate, Northwoode, Pekham, Perryvalle, Petera, Pihere, Pihopa, Potter, Poulet, Pownder, Pray, Pynty, Raharuhi, Rakena, Rara, Rata, Romana, Rotheley, Rusche, Scarclyf, Stanbury, Staunton, Stoke, Taera, Tame, Tamihana, Taneti, Tapihana, Teira, Terere, Throkmorton, Timoti, Tipene, Topia, Vaughan, Veldon, Waaka, Watihana, Wihone, Wikiriwhi, Winiata, Wirihana, Wreke, Wright, Wulvedon, Wyddowsoun


Major language groups and dialects

Speak Scalyearish with a unique selection of words from the old Ivachin language and a unique accent.

Culture and cultural heritage

A culture mixed with their Ivachin heritage merged with the assimilated Scalyearans, who have been intermarrying for centuries.

Average technological level

Medieval era technology.

Common Dress code

Wear colourful clothes with old Ivachin patterns and styles. Many that went abroad adapted a the Scalyearan style of dress.
Parent ethnicities

This ethnicity has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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