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Hallowed Legacy


The motivation behind building Hallowed Legacy

This is a setting that has been evolving for decades. In the mid 1970's, when Dungeons & Dragons was just beginning, there was a group of friends who decided to make their own world for the game. They added their stories, their triumphs and failures, to the legacy of that world so every adventure built upon the last. Those friends grew up, and some of them had children. One of them decided to introduce his curious and imaginative nephew to the game at only seven years old.   Time passed, and as people tend to do, the original group moved apart in one way or another. But they handed their notes of a hundred adventures to the young boy who then wrote his own worlds and stories to play with his friends. And the story continued.   This group has been playing campaigns and writing stories within these same realms for over twenty years. And the worlds we inherited ran for twenty more. Every character, every loss, every victory, every romance, war, tavern, and town has become a part of this legacy. They have been recorded in stained and taped-up notebooks, loose scraps of paper, sketchbooks, and random word docs with helpful names like "notes about notes." So that is where this amazing platform comes in. We are aware of the treasure we have with this setting and we want to preserve and present as much of it as we can!   These worlds have brought us so much joy and adventure, and if we can do this right, we can share that adventure with players all over the world. That is our Hallowed Legacy.

The goal of the project

This is a concrete chronicle of a legacy that started decades ago. It was and is primarily for Roleplaying Games as a living world for our players to collaborate and add to the legacy of the setting. The intention is to publish adventures and setting guides for these worlds and to build a community around them. We will bring in smaller products like zines for small parts of the setting, magic items, or one-shot events. And we will also feature much larger projects like novels and physical products like props, handouts, and manuals.    Before all of that exciting stuff, however, we have to do the great work of transcribing a thousand scattered notes in ancient tomes (3-ring-binders) and make them presentable. So that is goal one; get the basics of the main realms written and edited within World Anvil with enough information and fluid user experience that people with no prior knowledge could play in them.    Goal two is to create a Patreon for the community of people who want to dive deeper and gain access to secrets. These will likely be GMs or people who are really into worldbuilding. Either way, this will be the optimal place to bring in those aforementioned smaller products.    Goal three on this roadmap is to launch those larger products like setting manuals and full adventures!

Hallowed Legacy's Unique Selling point

It starts with the legacy aspect of the Hallowed Legacy. Some of these worlds are older than us! And while "old" settings are certainly not unique, these stories are collaborative and personal, with each player leaving something behind. Whether it's a town, a tavern, a character, or an entire nation, each new generation has left its mark on the worlds of Hallowed Legacy. And some corners of the map are intentionally left blank and we encourage new players to build their own stories into their version of the Legacy.    The cosmic tree has many branches and each path leads to a unique world. Yet a terrible cataclysm has threatened to pull some of these branches asunder and plunge their worlds into darkness, chaos, and destruction. With each world that falls to the darkness the demons which inhabit the chaos grow stronger. If left unchecked, these demonic forces could overwhelm all of the branches and invade the Core World. If that should happen the cosmic tree will fall and nothing will be strong enough to bring it back.



Mostly Dark Fantasy with some horror, grimdark, low fantasy, and Sword & Sorcery mixed in. All the settings have some form of magic, different gods, and a connection to the world tree. Some have more advanced technology but are usually powered by magic or very basic machinery like clockwork.

Reader Experience

I want to instill a sense of wonder for the vastness of the past. Most of the worlds should feel mythical but dangerous. There is a wonder to be found in the wild places of the world, but terrible things happen to those who aren't careful. There is a sense of a deep and mysterious past and forces beyond mortal understanding pulling the strings, but also the smaller and more mundane lives of people just experiencing the world.

Reader Tone

The worlds of the Hallowed Legacy tend more towards the dark side of things. The mood is far more like the Witcher or Game of Thrones, or even Dark Souls in some cases, though some of the world have less of that going on and are more like Dragonlance or traditional Forgotten Realms.

Recurring Themes

Ancient Gods with mysterious powers, lost and forgotten civilizations with world-spanning influences, and the barely controlled chaos of magic/forces of nature beyond mortal understanding.

Character Agency

The power dynamics are often shifting, sometimes only a grain of sand is needed to tip the scales. But sometimes a higher power will put its finger on the scale and affects the fate of an entire world.


  • Religious influence - the Gods of each realm tend to have a very invested interest in their world and the creatures that live there. In some cases the gods have already died, but their influence is still significant to the culture of the people who live in that world. There are many different organized religions and cults that follow the various gods, and the gods themselves have wars to wage despite the mortal lives that might get in the way.
  • Arts and Culture - I love to create deep and varied cultures, and each realm has different species each with its own history.
  • Laws of Nature - There are forces at work that span multiple realms through the branches of the world tree. Each realm is a world unto itself, but the influence of the tree ties them all together. Most people are completely unaware of the existence of the world tree, let alone the magic or creatures that traverse it, but those forces are, nonetheless, a massive part of this setting.
  • Rule of Law and government - the different organizations, monarchies, and empires that influence the past and present of each world
  • Flora and Fauna - the myriad of species and their relationships to each other
  • Drama

    There are forces that can affect the world tree itself, causing mass cataclysms for the realms on affected branches. When a branch experiences these events, it can weaken the branch. A branch that is weak can become a target for darker entities that will pull at the connections until the whole branch is severed, plunging any world into chaos and darkness.   Worlds like Shira'tol struggle to maintain their connection to the world tree and suffer greater forces of war, strife, and evil.