
An Argrixis resembles a mix between a bull and a lion, though its stark silvery white apperance means it is rarely mistaken for anything else. Its white mane is not only beautiful but also contains traces of a special mineral called "Argyrite Silver."   Argrixi roam through many different terrains, settling most commonly on the border between two terrain types. They are carnivores and hunt their prey in pairs; usually as mates.   Argrixi are are heavily hunted as thier natural biochemical process converts quintessence from hunted prey into silver in their bodies. This silver presents itself in the creature's coat and in its blood. As such, many myths and legends have arisen around the creature regarding the consumption of its fur and blood and they have been hunted to near extinction on Thrail. For most, the mystical hematophagy only results in poisoning and sickness, but Varathi have an inbuilt resistance and are able to safely consume the creature's blood.


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