
Nithani the only diety who has no known living clerics or paladins, though there are documented instances of them. References to her exist in many of the holy scriptures of other religions, but theology around The Silent Mother is vague and inconsistent. Her main tenets are of prudence, temperance, frugality, mercy, and humility.

Divine Domains

Peace, Twilight

Holy Books & Codes

Testament of Wylth

Tenets of Faith

Prudence: Act with wisdom and foresight, considering the consequences of your actions and making decisions with care. Temperance: Practice self-control and moderation in all things, avoiding excess and maintaining balance in life. Frugality: Use resources wisely and sparingly, valuing simplicity and avoiding wastefulness. Mercy: Show compassion and forgiveness to others, especially to those who are vulnerable or in need. Humility: Embrace modesty and recognize the value of others, shunning pride and seeking no recognition for good deeds. Whimsy: Make light of the darkness, bring joy to others for their benefit


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