
Silentism is the broad term for organizations who worship The Silent Mother.

Mythology & Lore

As Alu and the other deities shaped the world and their domains, Nithani observed from the shadows, her essence entwined with the quiet, unnoticed moments of life. She saught to rescue the forgotten, the unseen, and the least likely to demand salvation from a deity. She did not seek grand temples or armies of followers; instead, she found solace in the humble, the prudent, and the merciful acts present in mortals facing the chaos of the destruction of worlds. She brought many to Halor and asked nothing in return before fading into the shadows.


The followers of Nithani are few and far between, often unaware of their own devotion. They are the wanderers, the outcasts, the quiet helpers whose deeds are never recorded in the annals of history. These individuals embody her tenets of prudence, temperance, frugality, mercy, and humility in their everyday lives. They live simply, give generously, and act with compassion, embodying Nithani's silent, pervasive grace.


The theology around Nithani, the Silent Mother, is intentionally vague and inconsistent, reflecting her elusive nature. She does not seek worship or praise but encourages her followers to live with quiet dignity and compassion. In the holy texts of other religions, Nithani is sometimes depicted as a shadowy figure, a silent observer who guides the humble and the merciful with a gentle hand.

Granted Divine Powers

Though Nithani has no known living clerics or paladins, there are ancient tales of her chosen ones, the silent champions who appear in times of great need. These individuals, touched by Nithani's unseen hand, perform acts of great kindness and sacrifice, then fade back into obscurity. Their deeds are whispered in the holy scriptures of other religions, though often attributed to unknown or forgotten heroes. In fact, a champion of Nathani should remain obscure and unknown during their life, practicing humilty.


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