The Five Essences


The study of the Five Essences is called Essentology. Each essence describes fundamental forces that comprise any object, person or thing that exists while not explicitly describing external forces. While commonly discussed in reference to living things, the essences are not exclusive to living beings. The nomenclature is a byproduct of the development of the Theory of the Five Essences as an explanation of the relationship between celestial and mortal beings and the worlds they each inhabit.   Each essence type is classified as independent or dependent. An independent essence can exist in isolation without the support of other essences. This does not necessarily mean that it exists naturally in this state, simply that it can be extracted on its own. A dependent essence can only be found with other essences. Essences are not the thing they describe and define but rather a set of metaphyscial information that can be interacted with through the physical realm. Some theories suggest the existence of a dimension comprised only of essences called the Crucius Plane, where these fundamental forces exist in their purest form, untouched by physical manifestations.   In essentology, an "entity" is a clearly defined set of essences that are interwined and interact with one and other. An entity comprised of all 5 essences is defined as a "Complete Beings". Sapeint living creatures are so far the only observed "Complete Beings" and all sapient living creatures are complete. The boundries between other types of entities is blurred and not as well defined. However, other combinations of the essences have been observed and classified. Definition of an entity along with further classification as to the quality of each present essence led to the creation of the Hierarchy of Beings.  

Primessence (The First Essence of Body)

The most fundamental essence, Primessence, underpins the material composition of all existence, defining the essence of what something is. It is the essence that shapes the tangible form of every being and object, the definition of their physicality. The material makeup of an thing is the manifestiation of its Primessence. All non-living object have some primessence and the vast majority of living things do as well. However, a living being can be seperated from its primessence as long as its quintessence is powerful enough to bind its other essences together. It is an independent esssence. It is an dependent essence that can appear with any of the others.  

Secoressence (The Second Essence of Age)

Secoressence, also known as the Essence of Time, governs the temporal aspect of existence, determining when and how entities move through the continuum of time. It embodies the passage of moments, marking the journey from past to present to future, and influencing the aging process of all things. It is an dependent esssence always appearing with Tertiessence.  

Tertiessence (The Third Essence of Presence)

Tertiessence defines where an object exists within the vast expanse of reality. It is the essence that delineates spatial coordinates, defining the location of entities within specific planes or dimensions, anchoring them in the fabric of existence. It is an dependent esssence always appearing with Secoressence.  

Quadressence (The Fourth Essence of Spirit)

Quadressence encompasses the spiritual essence of living beings, serving as the essence that defines their individuality and identity. It is the intangible force that imbues beings with consciousness, willpower, and character, shaping their actions and guiding their paths. When dealing with concepts of morality, most religions teach that this essence is the one evaluated by a higher being to detemine one's destination in the afterlife. It is an independent essence.  

Quintessence (The Fifth Essence of Soul)

Quintessence comprises a living thing's soul and it is the essence that binds together the other essences in living creatures. At one time, it was thought that the fourth and fifth essences were the same. This belief held until Quintessence was discovered to be malleable outside and removed from any connection to a person or living thing. It is also the essence used to fuel spellcasting by manipulation of the other esssences. It is an independent essence.


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